- Study: Earth is hottest now in 2,000 years; humans responsible for much of the warmingThe National Academy of Sciences, reaching that conclusion in a broad review of scientific work requested by Congress, reported Thursday that the "recent warmth is unprecedented for at least the last 400 years and potentially the last several millennia."
A panel of top climate scientists told lawmakers that the Earth is heating up and that "human activities are responsible for much of the recent warming."
keep it up kids, i'm actually tanning these days. : Tories move to raise age of consent:
Adults who sexually prey upon young people are the targets of these reforms, not consenting teenagers.
wtf? change a digit in some dusty old law somewhere and adults will stop preying on children? honestly, the people who make up laws are retarded. the only thing this law is good for is increasing statutory rape convictions. if only the powers that be truly understood what real crime prevention entails.
while thinking about this whole carlos de luna thing, i find myself questioning how it is that people can read that an innocent man has been executed and not have sharp pangs of fear, disgust and sadness fill their minds and their bodies for the rest of the damned day. i've talked amongst the people i know in daily life and on the internet a lot about the death penalty, and i talk a lot about the massive number of innocent men and women who have been released from death row after being found innocent and it just floors me to see no reaction in 90% of the people i talk to about it. i wonder, why the fuck don't these people feel anything? are they inhuman? just some vacant void walking around paying bills?
but i think i figured it out. i don't think they really fully stop and think about what the word innocent means. i think when they see or hear about a man or woman in prison, on death row, in handcuffs, shackles, convicted, etc. when they hear about or see these people they automatically see a criminal. they don't see a human being. anyone in cuffs is a criminal right? anyone in prison is a criminal. anyone on death row is a goddamned criminal, right? it's an association and most people don't really take the time to stop and really think about what's going on in the world, that much is obvious with bush in charge. they just go with what they've always been taught, there are no questions, just nod and smile nod and smile. most people just accept what we're told. and because of that, innocent men are being killed by the government of a "free and democratic" country.
just stop for a moment and really think about the word, "innocent". are you innocent? i mean, we've all committed the odd misdemeanor here and there, and most of us are lucky enough to have never gotten caught. some of us have lied, cheated, stolen. but are you innocent of murder? you, reading this, have you ever killed anyone? i'm just going to go ahead and hope and pray that everyone who does read this is shaking their head no right now, and if you are, then it's no massive revelation to think that you're innocent of homicide, right? right. you are innocent of homicide. innocent of taking the life of a fellow human being. innocent.
then you and carlos de luna have something in common. except he was killed, by authorities we are supposed to trust, regardless of his innocence.
just think about it. think about 15 years in a cell smaller than your bathroom, awaiting your own death, unable to speak to the people you love or touch them. unable to watch your children grow, unable to show your spouse how much you love them. imagine not being able to eat your favorite food or have a cold beer on a hot day. imagine a steady diet of salt and msg and no fruit. imagine being chained every time you have to see a doctor. imagine sitting there, hour after lengthy hour, day in and day out, all the while knowing they are going to strap you to a gurney in front of a room of onlookers and fill you full of lethal drugs. knowing they are going to to this while your friends and family stand outside or wait for word at home, crying and sobbing because a loved one is being taken from them. knowing that they are going to grieve for some time afterward and there is nothing you can do to help these people, the people you love more than anything in the world. and you're going through all of this all knowing you're innocent. you have done nothing.
now really think hard about the fact that this exact scenario has happened to
hundreds of people who have been exonerated prior to their execution. this has
actually happened. and hundreds more remain on death row who are just as innocent as you and i. hopefully they will be exonerated as well.
but carlos de luna was executed. and has been found to be innocent since.
if that makes you feel nothing, i don't need to know you.
wow. anyone who's paid much attention to the fight to end the death penalty knows that the hardest argument from pro-dp people to fight is the challenge to prove an innocent man has been executed. up until now, there hasn't been any way to prove it. as my brother once said, "this is diabolically massive!".
carlos de luna: innocent man executed read part one of this series here:
Did this man die .... | Chicago Tribune newsit's a sad sad day in our world when an innocent man's murder is almost celebrated. we're such asshole fucks. we shouldn't be killing regardless of guilt.
hopefully his death wasn't in vain and this will launch a serious critical look at the death penalty and it's ethics.
and for more info on innocent people on death row, see
the innocence project
why i would never date a soldier
there's something inherently wrong with someone who actually wants to kill to keep the peace, who's area of expertise is combat, who's career is a war and in whose profession, rape is so common an offense it calls for a 3 day UN conference:
BBC NEWS | Europe | Rape in war 'a growing problem'
The UNFPA says that, while sexual violence in wartime is not new, there is evidence it is becoming more common.
Women and children are vulnerable, not just during armed attacks, but also in displacement camps, during aid distribution and even after conflict has officially ended.
the man i love held a gun once, and never fired, and is serving 9 years for it, these guys hold a gun, and kill and it's heroism. makes zero fuckin sense to me.
Labels: mike
homeless bloggers
all of the following blogs are written by homeless or formerly homeless people using library computers and other forms of free internet access to blog:
false thoughts set loosethe homeless guywandering scribewillie yorkthoughts and opinions of a formerly homeless girl - Bush to Europe: 'Absurd' to see U.S. as threatAn angry-sounding President Bush said Wednesday it was "absurd" to call the United States a greater threat to world stability than Iran, despite a poll showing that's what many Europeans say.
idiot. his head is full of rocks. of all the violent conflicts in the past 60 years, how many was iran involved in? and how many was the usa involved in? and how many weapons of mass destruction are held by the US? how many by iran? what psycho government has begun watching everything it's citizens do, from the internet and phone calls to financial activity? yeah... the US is a threat to world stabilty. the single most terrifying threat at that.
let's see which rights you've lost today
your right to privacyAT&T: All your data are belong to us (and temp. demo.) - Computerworld BlogsAT&T Inc. said yesterday that it was revising its privacy policy, explaining to customers that it owns their phone records and can hand them over to law enforcement officials if necessary. The changes take effect tomorrow and come at a time when AT&T and other phone companies face lawsuits claiming that they aided a U.S. government domestic spying program by giving the National Security Agency call records of millions of customers without their permission.
Bank Records Secretly TappedThe Bush administration, relying on a presidential declaration of emergency, has secretly been tapping into a vast global database of confidential financial transactions for nearly five years, according to U.S. government and industry officials.
your right to the truthPA-Sen: Santorum Makes Shit UpCongressman Hoekstra and I are here today to say that we have found weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, chemical weapons.... Since 2003, coalition forces have recovered approximately 500 weapons munitions which contain degraded mustard or sarin nerve agent.
your right to free information and free speechnet neutrality actionWord is that we are as close as one vote away from killing this having the Snowe/Dorgan amendment (S. 2917) prevail in committee. The committee vote is likely to be on Tuesday, giving us five days to convince our Senators to vote against the Stevens legislation, and support the Snowe/Dorgan amendment (S. 2917).
your right to a fair trialArbour denounces secret detention of terror suspectsGENEVA - The top United Nations human rights official Friday denounced as a “grave concern” the use of secret detention centres in the war on terrorism, and said governments must abide by the law in their treatment of prisoners, including avoiding torture and providing fair trial.
your right to voteA chilling threat to civil rightsThe struggle to protect US minorities' access to the ballot box continues with a new challenge to the Voting Rights Act.
CEDP_National_Office : Message: FW: FIVE Executions Set 6/28 in Tenn.Tennessee has scheduled five executions June 28, an event that, if carried out, would signal a remarkable determination to enforce capital punishment in the state.good ol' southern bloodlust. and speaking of the lovely south:
South Retains the Highest Murder Rate in 2005About 80% of the executions in the country have occurred in the South since the reinstatement of the death penalty. The Northeast, the region with the lowest murder rate, has had less than 1% of the executions. i wonder
when the logically retarded masses will see this pattern...
lessons on false confessions
it often boggles my mind why all interrogations are not videotaped or at least audio taped in the united states of america. wrongful convictions are a very real and terrifying epidemic and a lot of these wrongful convictions are caused by false confessions. recording interrogations would almost completely and fully eliminate this problem, so why don't they do it in the US? they do it here...
Freed Man Gives Lesson on False Confessions - Los Angeles Times: "Freed Man Gives Lesson on False Confessions
An ex-inmate tells a California panel how Texas police coerced him into admitting to murder.
By Henry Weinstein, Times Staff Writer
June 21, 2006
Seventeen years ago, Christopher Ochoa told a Texas jury exactly how he and a friend repeatedly raped 20-year-old Nancy DePriest and then shot her dead at the Pizza Hut where she worked.
The details were so gruesome that DePriest's mother, Jeanette Popp, fled the courtroom and threw up in a bathroom. Ochoa and his co-defendant, Richard Danziger, who steadfastly maintained his innocence, both received life sentences.
But Ochoa's story was a lie - a total lie.
He had been threatened with the death penalty by a police detective if he did not admit that he and Danziger murdered DePriest; he also had to testify against Danziger. The two young men worked at a different pizza place and came under suspicion after they toasted DePriest's memory with beers at the scene of the murder.
But the fact that Ochoa confessed falsely did not come to light until 2000, four years after the real killer, already serving three life terms for other crimes, told police in Austin, Texas, that he was responsible for the young woman's more...but hey, they've started at least talking about it in california. that's a start:
Panel Urges Videotaping of Suspects' Confessions - Los Angeles Times: "Panel Urges Videotaping of Suspects' Confessions
By Henry Weinstein, Times Staff Writer
June 22, 2006
A blue-ribbon commission that is examining California's criminal justice system was urged Wednesday to recommend that police videotape all interrogations of crime suspects in custody.
shit found in a prison library cart
see the full photo set here
contorting contortionists
this web site has a big old gallery of people doing weird ass shit:
possi's contortion site via
boing boing
i have an owie
don't forget your two minutes hate after you pledge allegiance to the (gag) flag. the los angeles times doesn't want it's reporters to have access to what the lefties think about and has
censored it's internet access. as one reporter put it:
" is allowedbut is indeed blocked as a security measure"
security measure... i suppose is made by thought criminals?
i feel so much smarter than most of you for caring about this. cause if we all did, we might be able to salvage some freedoms before it's too late and you're all running around kicking yourselves and i'm just laying the motherfucking hate on you for ruining shit for everyone.
bring back the open-car motorcade
eu summit in vienna... dubya's all up in that shit like a fat kid on a smartie, and they've blown security way out of proportion. it's always the yank politicians that get the armies out to protect 'em no matter where they go.
Hundreds of people have marched through Vienna in protest at Mr Bush's visit.
Police have prepared for demonstrations and defused a number of hoax bombs the day before the summit. Tight security includes the closure of roads, airspace and an underground railway station.i think all politicians should be treated like normal people. if they need extra security when they're traveling, they gotta pay for it out of their own pocket. otherwise, they'd better hope and fucking pray that the majority of the people in the world are pleased with what they've done in their careers. gasp! but but but, THAT would be
accountability! yeah.
mental illness
pentagon says homosexuality is a mental disorderwhat? what what what? oh god if i had a fucking dime for every time the mental health industry made shit up and ruined lives over it... did you know the
DSM, at one point, listed "the overwhelming desire to escape and avoid punishment from masters" as a mental illness in black slaves? oh and, i personally fucking love "caffeine-induced sleep disorder". you know, i think the craziest motherfuckers on this planet are the men and women who make up the mental health industry. seriously, i bet if you'd asked jeffrey dahmer or john wayne gacy or fucking hitler if they would have been interested in a career shrinking heads, they'd have all jumped on it. crazy. ass. motherfuckers.
and speaking of ruining lives,
this is one of the saddest things i've heard in a long time. anyone who thinks a child of seven who was wrongfully accused of murder would grow to be unaffected by his wrongful accusation, is one sick fuck. the kid should have been fucking helped! "
He never seemed to get away from what happened back then, they said. He has struggled with post-traumatic stress disorder, with learning disabilities, the breakup of his family and a constant wish to somehow escape from being the child who had been accused of a brutal murder."
the system CREATES criminals, thus, making the system the biggest criminal of all.
myspace is getting sued - some 14 yr old myspace hooch goot sexually assaulted by a man who contacted her through her myspace page. so her mother is sueing myspace. my only question is, what the fuck kind of mother lets her 14 yr old daughter meet people off the internet alone? i realize kids are going to do what they're going to do, but open communication and education and warnings and a fucking deadbolt on the kid's door will make sure she doesn't get poked by a myspace pedo.
crime is rising in new orleans and the national guard is bringing in troops. martial law. nice. maybe if there was some kind of aid for the poor people of new orleans, the crime rate wouldn't be so horrendous. anyone ever try to raise a family on minimum wage and then have a hurricane rip through and wreck everything you've got? i'd imagine it'd be difficult and the opportunity to sell some marijuana or loot some stores might just be a little too tempting.
talking about europe,
this article in the la times said:
As the continent begins to face some of the same problems with which America has wrestled for the last several years, such as terrorism and dwindling money for social programs, the European view westward is increasingly personal. Europeans often are asking themselves whether the long-admired American model is the only answer, said professors and pollsters who track attitudes.i can't even count how many things are so utterly
wrong with that paragraph. let's just pick out the two big ones. first, "dwindling money for social programs". cry me a motherfucking river. maybe defense budgets should be cut a little? you know, seeing as how the yanks are fucking running around searching for the ever elusive osama and wmds? maybe some of that money could be spent on social programs? maybe instead of wasting time and money endlessly debating the fucking gay marriage issue, you could focus on social programs? maybe if you weren't housing, feeding and semi-employing 2.2 million men and women in prisons across the country, there'd be more money for social programs? or here's a great fucking idea, how about you raise minimum wage to something livable so that people can spend more, putting more money into the economy and stimulating economic growth? i dunno, just a few ideas off the top of my fucking head.
and number 2. "the long-admired american model". all i have to say about that, is *vomit*.
documents shed new light on guantanamo suicides - oh fuck, they need to just close it down and start training the military to have a little more sensitivity to human rights. shit that applies to all prisons and prison staff. the punishment is incarceration. not mistreatment.
an american in a japanese prison drew
these beautiful pictures.
they may have found
robin hood's house and china's new olympic stadium is a real fuckin' cunt:
what's in a name?
k, so this guy named alofa time cut off his wife's head and giot into his truck with it, drove around like a maniac and killed a mother and her daughter when he hit their car and the severed head flew out the back of the truck. in idaho.
somewhere along the line, someone must have known this guy was going to turn out whacko - imagine how rough life must have been with a name life that. he must have been teased alofa time. bahahahaha oh and you know the guy writing the article just
had to add the middle initial of his wife. theresa n. time. if only we had gotten to her in time. heheeee.
read the story here
land of the free?
Federal Judge Rules U.S. Can Detain Non-Citizens Indefinitely on Basis of Religion, Race or National Origin
cops don't need to knock when they have a search warrant
NSA datamining myspace
NSA wiretaps americans
major corporations to control what you can and cannot see on the internet. legally.
and of course, the majority of men on death rown are innocent, i'd bet my life.
and yet, idiots keep spewing shit like this:
dubyaa: "As we honor the members of our Armed Forces who have died for our freedom"
some random blogger: This Memorial Day, remember those who have died for our freedom, so their sacrifice will not be in vain
i repeat. in VAIN. is this a joke? are people this blind? what freedoms do you have? can you answer me this one question? what freedoms do you have? what, PRECISELY, have these men died for? so that everything you say can be recorded and monitored? so that all you do on the internet is logged by the government? so that, based on your race, religion or national origin alone you can be detained for decades without the advice of a lawyer or a fair trial? where are these so-called freedoms you have that so many, so fucking many men have died for? WHERE?
wake the fuck up people. your rights and freedoms are being stripped on a daily basis, and the speed at which this is ocurring is getting faster and faster. the men and women who have died for your freedom, have entrusted in you one thing, that you let no one take it away from you. that you stand up and fight for it, at home too. this is your right and duty as an american, to make sure that the things these men and women died for are not illusions, but reality and you're all failing so miserably. all of you are letting their "sacrifice be in vain". ALL OF YOU.
those men and women traveled to far away places and gave their lives for your freedom and you can't even pull your head out of your ass long enough to stand up and speak in your own hometown for the same cause? assholes. pure assholes.
skort's state of the union address
you know... almost everyone i know is into some kind of artistic career, from writing, to film making, to photography, to acting, to music. every one of my friends has an interest and a passion in the arts. and of all the people i know well enough, there are only two i can think of who are actually chasing that dream.
one of my friends is currently at vancouver film school. she just got a scholarship to continue her studies in 3D computer modelling and is good enough to end up getting a job with Pixar or Dreamworks.
another of my friends plays in 2 bands, one for which he is the drummer and the other, he sings and plays guitar. he overcame huge nervousness to get up on stage and sing at the age of 29 when he had never done it before. both bands are playing a concert benefit tomorrow night for cancer.
although i am proud of all of my friends, you two are inspiring and every time i freak out about my own future and whether or not i'm gonna be alright, i think about you guys and the balls you got. thanks you guys.
i've sacrificed a lot to walk away from abalone designs, but i would have had to sacrifice a lot more to stay.
he HAD a dream
video games are "hate speech not free speech"
a kkk rally is perfectly acceptable
since the new stats on the prison population in the states were released a few weeks ago, there has been a lot of conversation... the most disturbing of which is that which might make the boys in the kkk get a fuckin' stiffy:
from convict nation:
At least one in eight African American men ages 25-29 are doing time.
Many organizations, including the Drug Policy Alliance, have rightfully characterized this overincarceration of African Americans one of our greatest present-day civil rights issues.
Black women are four times more likely to be incarcerated than white women.
According to the Federal Household Survey, there were "an estimated 9.9 million whites (72 percent of all users), 2.0 million blacks (15 percent), and 1.4 million Hispanics (10 percent) who were current illicit drug users in 1998." Despite those figures, Blacks constitute 36.8 percent of those arrested for drug violations and over 42 percent of those in federal prisons for drug violations. African-Americans comprise almost 58 percent of those in state prisons for drug felonies.
When comparing the number of convicted felons who actually get prison time, only thirty-three percent (33?of convicted white defendants received a prison sentence, while 51f African-American defendants received prison sentences. How can anyone still deny racism?
According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, Black females (with a prison and jail rate of 359 per 100,000) were 2-1/2 times more likely than Hispanic females (143 per 100,000) and nearly 41/2 times more likely than white females (81 per 100,000) to be incarcerated in 2004.
from the sommerville journal:
Here are some horrifying statistics from the Somerville-based PRA's Web site: "According to the 1998 federal National Household Survey on Drug Abuse, 72 percent of [drug] users were white and 15 percent were black. Despite this, black people were arrested for drug offenses at higher rates than white people."
A May 2004 study found this: "Black males have a 32 percent chance of serving time in prison at some point in their lives; Hispanic males have a 17 percent chance; white males have a 6 percent chance."
so, in short, according to the government of the united states of america and the ethically retarded lawmakers, shooting cops in make-believe video games = bad and systematically destroying the image and lives of african americans and other minority groups in the US = good.
great to see so many people up in arms about what really matters. when did we lose the collective nerve to stand up for ourselves?
lazy emo storm
i was right - the bullshit in this is that a state of emergency had been called. if they're going to call a state of emergency every time a bit of rain falls, do you really think people are going to coninue to listen after a while? don't you think there will come a point after 30 mightless tropical storms pass through florida, and 30 states of emergency have been called, that people will become too jaded to heed the warnings and we'll have a katrina disaster on our hands again? why do we have to go so fucking overboard with fear? you know what? we're all gonna die one day. no matter how much worrying we do, how much avoiding life we do, we're still going to die. there is absolutely nothing that can be done to prevent this. the point of life is not to delay death, the point of life is LIFE. live people, enjoy and when a real storm comes around, get the fuck out.
family of gitmo prisoner doesn't buy that he committed suicide - "He had memorized the Koran by heart. He was a strong believer. How could he take his own life and spend eternity in hell?" asked his sister Sohayla, alluding to Islam's punishment for suicide.
lady, there are two possible answers to that question. 1. the pentagon is lying, which wouldn't be anything new. and in the wake of haditha and other atrocities committed by american military men, had these prisoners been murdered while being detained, and the story leaked to the press, they'd have a whole new shit storm to take care of. salt in a wound. 2. the conditions at guantanamo are so awful, it drove an "optimistic man" to take his own life and face eternal damnation. either way, something ought to be done.
fafblog has a good post about these suicides
wow, a new musical instrument has been invented: the tritare
Currently listening: Violent Femmes By Violent Femmes Release date: By 17 October, 2000 |
what seems to be the problem ossifer, part 19
what the motherfucking fuck. d'ya s'pose it's karma for the amount i cuss up here in his joint?
so, uhh, 3 of us, not even drunk really, end up at my place last night. 3 girls. THREE. and the cops are called. seriously, it's getting to be a joke... even the cops are standing in my damned kitchen laughing at how ridiculous it was. we had music on, but super low. even the cop said it wasn't that loud. this is seriously bordering on harrassment. the fucking strata in this building are ridiculous. and the bitch president comes to my door the other night and tells me my dog is not allowed to shit anywhere in here:
WHAT THE FUCK am i supposed to do as i walk my dog from my back door to the street beyond this courtyard, shove a plug in his ass? just for that bitch, i'm letting him shit anywhere he goddamned well pleases and i ain't picking it up anymore.
do you realize that 90% of what strata councils talk about is poop? get lives people, seriously. i call for a mass pooping outside this building. let's do it on july 4th, independence day, everyone gather around the outside of 4280 moncton st in steveston, drink starbucks, because as ze frank has discussed many times, it makes you shit, and when the clock strikes, let's say, 1 o'clock, we all drop our drawers and shit. strata will be talking about poop for months. geriatric old fuckfaces with nothing better to do than talk about shit. you know one woman took a picture of my dog shitting in the courtyard and sent it to strata? ahaha aaaa. THIS IS WHY WE HAVE NURSING HOMES. PEOPLE, DO THE WORLD A FAVOUR, STICK YOUR FOLKS IN NURSING HOMES IF THEY'RE BITTER! or obsessed with poop. i don't care if you think it's inhumane... if they don't want to be locked in a home, don't fucking be bitter. simple.
we might even get a tax cut out of the whole deal, cause we certainly wouldn't need as many cops on duty as we do now, breaking up prayer meetings and boy scout cookouts and the wild rager 3 women are having at midnight, making edemame and checking email and listening to phil collins almost on mute.
fuck. becky peaked through the peep hole when the cops knocked and said, "uh oh, it's the cops again" and they came in and asked why she'd said that. hahaha.
well, i'm off to read the news, peace out dumbasses
we're all yankee doodle dandies
world opinion of the us falls
you know what i hate? when the world acts as though we're all better than the usa. why? what makes us better? because we're not engaged in the same activities we find questionable? true enough, but what the fuck are we doing to stop it? nothing. we're just as bad. we buy all our american products, watch american television and movies, play american games, cheer for american teams. the entire world pumps so much money into the american economy, and we all just sit around and whine about how much we hate the united states of america. look in the mirror. what have you done to stop the things the american government is doing that makes you hate it so much? what have you done? maybe it's time to put down the microsoft joystick, and time to stop watching last comic standing and time to stop shovelling krispy kremes in your mouth and actually do something. i hate the whiners. i hate the actionless whiners. shut your fucking mouths until you're willing to stand up for what you say. THAT is what makes people better than the rest. ACTION. NOT a lack thereof.
my brain got poked
in a letter, mike asked what my favorite childhood memory was. i thought, since i have so many, i'd rub it all in your faces:
y'know, i do those dumb surveys online sometimes but i fill them out all sarcastically or as a character i've made up or something. i've been asked 400,000 times what my favorite childhood memory is and i don't think i've ever really answered it seriously. i dunno, really. there are so many, my childhood was spectacular... for the first 8 yrs of my life, my family and i would drive our westfalia down to california and go to disneyland, camp in san diego - i was 3 weeks old the first time. every summer. driving down the I-5 and my dad would have the pretenders blasting, or cindi lauper or the police. my two bassetts in the back, archie and judhead. all of those trips were just pure joy.
then of course, 1986 when we flew from here to hawaii, stayed there for a couple weeks, then to fiji, where we stayed on the mainland a few days, then sailed out to castaway island, easily one of the most beautiful places in the world. there we met a ton of people, including scott oliver and family, the guy who died in the freak accident. then off to new zealand where my folks rented a camper and drove across the north island camping. we ended up in a place call mt. maunganui where the camp ground was filled with people from all over the world and every night we'd put all our chairs in this massive circle, play music and tells stories and laugh til like 2am. then we flew to surfer's paradise in queensland, aus. where we rented out an apartment that overlooked the beach. stayed there a while. then off to sydney - hooked up with friends we'd met in fiji, then to melbourne where we hooked up with more friends we'd met in fiji, took the train to adelaide where we moved into our house and stayed for a year. we'd sit on the beach in the winter, everyone called us crazy canadians. we'd eat shark, go wine tasting every weekend. my grandma and grandpa came out to visit us and we went to some petting zoo deal, and when they brought out the koala for people to hold, my grandfather elbowed his way through a crowd of kids so he could hold it first. haha.
on break from school that year, we flew to singapore, which was so eerily clean, and quiet, the people almost robotic. the cost of a low crime rate i guess... then we flew to penang, malaysia and stayed at a hotel which has since almost been leveled by the tsunami. the casurina. beautiful. literally in the middle of the damned jungle. when we left the hotel it was just a dirt road dotted with shacks. but up the way we found this little restaurant that served watermelon juice and it was so tasty we went there every day. then back to adelaide. the end of the year was hard, saying goodbye to everyone.
on the way home we stopped in sydney to stay with the olivers in their mansion overlooking the sydney harbour. then to noosa heads, queensland which is just a beach town but what a fucking beautiful beach. we flew to tahiti, stayed on the island of moorea, which is just mind-fucking. it's so fucking beautiful, bungalows on stilts over the water, the water was so clear. we had christmas there, we decorated a palm tree with half-dressed polynesian dancers, and santa came to visit in an outrigger canoe, in bare feet, with an umbrella. i perfected my free diving in the middle of the ocean there, saw a purple octopus and collected shells off the bottom of the ocean. i think the only time i wasn't in the water was when i was in bed. i forget what i got for christmas that year, it hardly mattered. that's honestly probably the absolute best time of my life, tahiti. absolutely stunning. the most beautiful, friendly people in the world, the beach is so beautiful it's tear-jerking.
cancun a few years later was great, too. we were there for about 3 weeks and this was before the place turned into spring break hell. our hotel was half built and i'd run around with this guy i'd met from baltimore, playing cops and robbers. he was training to swim on the us olympic team, and i kept beating him in swimming races. haha.
and then the road trip from perth in 92, to kalbarri, coral bay, monkey mia, and finally the US naval base on the west coast of aus, exmouth. we took the trip with the other families who'd exchanged to perth that year. one family from richmond, one from st catherines ontario, one from melbourne and one from england, and us. we all drove up there and stopped in these teeny weeny tiny towns along the way and we saw some of the most beautiful, isolated scenery in the world. and coral bay was more alive with reef life than the barrier reef. you walk into the bay up to your knees, bend down and look in the water and it's just teeming with neon fish and coral and clams. beautiful. monkey mia is a huge tourist thing cause wild dolphins come in and swim with people and you can feed them and shit. and exmouth was crazy. there was maybe 100 people there, almost all americans. the beach was absolutely deserted. no buildings in sight, just the base up the way. so there's just this stretch of the whitest sand and the most electric turquoise water. and not a single soul for miles. manta rays swam around by our feet when we went in the water there. and wild horses woke us up in the morning, sniffing our tent.
so. there you have it. my billion favorite childhood memories. you can see why it might be hard for me to sit in an office now. heh. wanderlust.
Currently listening: White Pony By Deftones Release date: By 03 October, 2000 |
Labels: mike
warning: firewall movie spoiler
ok, i just finished watching firewall with harrison ford. not only is every aspect of the entire movie IMPOSSIBLE, including WHY WOULD THAT WOMAN HAVE CHILDREN WITH HIS SHRIVELED ASS, but i take huge, and i mean fucking enormous exception to their insisting that it's possible to track a dog with a GPS locator in his collar, from a laptop in a moving car. i mean, i get that google and some other gigantor big brother corporations are trying to make wireless internet accessible everywhere, but it hasn't happened YET and this movie was not set in the FUTURE. so, how, on this stupid sticker-covered laptop, in an old beat up car (y'know, the type i'd buy), do they manage to get an internet connection to login to the pet locator web site and track puppy? hmmmm? fucking stupid movies always trying to make me swallow the stupidest shit and i just feel so fucking ripped off.
oh, and i love how they superimposed the space needle into the vancouver view out his office window. i'm not sure why they go to all this fucking trouble to make vancouver look like ANY CITY BUT vancouver in all these movies they film here. but i saw the hudson's bay company on robson street in the background...
Currently watching: Firewall (Widescreen Edition) Release date: By 06 June, 2006 |
somebody supersized san quentin
america's most overcrowded prison system (california) also has the highest recidivism rate coincidence? riiiight.
when i passed on the prison stats bulletin a while back, one of my friends responded with, "i wonder what those numbers would look like if they only locked up violent offenders?" i wonder, indeed.
the dude who wrote, directed and starred in the documentary, "super-size me" has a series you may have seen, called "30 days" and this season he is going to air the episode he made when he put himself in a county jail for 23 days. he says, "I think there's a lot of good, honest, genuine people in there who made a mistake ..."
food for thought.
yeah all of a sudden hurricanes warrant a cnn breaking news email. that didn't happen last year til wilma. what the fuck? do they think now that every hurricane is going to be as devestating as last year's? historically it was never huge news unelss it was a massive storm... whatever. people of florida, my thoughts and further thoughts are with you as you withstand this category minus two thunder storm. don't forget your fucking rubber boots.
From: BreakingNews@MAIL.CNN.COM
Subject: CNN Breaking News
Date: June 12, 2006 7:48:06 AM PDT (CA)
Reply-To: newseditor@MAIL.CNN.COM
-- National Hurricane Center issues hurricane warning for Florida's Gulf Coast from Longboat Key to the Ochlockonee River, The Associated Press reports.
love thy neighbour, fuckheads
kkk rally. makes me wanna voimt just typing that letter thrice in succession. you know what i find funny? when people gather to protest war, or protest the WTO or really, any other leftish type concerns, there's always some kind of beat down, pepper spraying or just a breaking up of the event. when these guys get together in public, "About 200 federal, state and local officers watched to ensure peace and to act as a buffer between the Klan and about 30 counter-demonstrators."
fuck free speech. these guys shouldn't be allowed to talk. sometimes words hurt more than a baseball bat.
nuremburg protestors - Hundreds of people have gathered in Nuremberg to protest against the Iranian leader ahead of a World Cup match between Iran and Mexico. The protesters, who include local Jewish community and Iranian exile groups, denounced Mahmoud Ahmadinejad for casting doubt on the Holocaust.
oh, hey, did you also know that john fitzgerald kennedy didn't actually exist? he was a hologram. no shit, the aliens beamed him down from sirius to teach us a thing or two, but he was so taken aback and distracted by the females of our species and the aliens had to plot a scheme to get rid of him. yeah, a bullet was fired from the grassy knoll, but there were a few shots from space, too. oswald? haha. riiight. you people are so gullible. you really think some scrawny cuban sympathizer in a book depository could snuff the prez on his own? heh. he was made of liquid metal, and when ruby shot him, the sirius army turned on their giant magnet and sucked both oswald and kennedy back to the dog star just in time for their monday night texas hold 'em game.
holocaust doubt... pull your head out of your ass...
Williams, who is black, has contended that he was framed. He has maintained that Atlanta officials covered up evidence of Ku Klux Klan involvement in the killings to avoid a race war in the city - a claim investigators have denied.
wouldn't doubt that for a second. psycho killers, qu'est-ce que c'est? fafafafafafafafafaaaaafuck off.
Currently listening: The Byrds - Greatest Hits By The Byrds Release date: By 30 March, 1999 |
a&e is going to air the rock, paper, scisssors championships. fuck us. we're so stupid this shit is marketable.
some employers and univeristy/college admissions are googling you before they hire or accept - can't say i didn't do the same thing when i hired for abalone.
hate crime. my only question is, really, when is whacking someone with a baseball bat not hateful? regardless of the color of the skin of the victim, or the religious beliefs, or sexual orientation. when is it not hateful?
3 prisoners hang themselves at gitmo - it actually does matter... i know most of you think that these people are disposable, but don't you think there's a possibility that there mayn't be so many terrorists if we gave a shit about everyone? even criminals?
the beer cape might be a bad idea
alright, riddle me this, assholes.
what do you get when....
at around 9pm in the evening ash and i are driving down number 3 rd on our way to BB's, having a couple road pops to lubricate our synapses prior to spending twice as much on shittier beer at the bar. so, naturally, we're in the left hand turning lane at westminster highway. as we pull up, we notice a cop with his lights on, at the east side of the intersection, looking to turn left and continue southbound on 3rd. he hesitates for a bit, because he has a red light, we've got green. he finally goes and some guy in a taurus turns left coming from a southbound direction, turning east. the cop slams into him in the middle of the intersection, the taurus goes into a spin, and hits the PT cruiser in front of us. immediately we hide our beer and get out of the car to talk to them as witnesses. we give our statements to a very eager new cop who tells us way too much info. he tells us where the cop was going when he had the accident and why he was going there, and then the guy tells us that he's going to get written up because my statement said that he didn't have his siren on. which he didn't. until he pulled out into the intersection. too little too late piggy bitch. anyway. it seems like the cop is going to get in trouble regardless. so we give our statements and head on down to bb's and get fucked up on cheap draught beer and sing a multitude of songs, karaoke style. justin, thanks for being my fuck-up friend... islands in the stream, that is what we are, and we rely on each other uh huh.... FROM ONE something to ANOTHER UH HUH.
so we meet some kids, yeah they's was kids, or they look like kids anyway, although the one i befriended (yes, only befriended, i'm quite in love with my mikey, thank you) said he was 26. didn't get a look at his ID, and he really didn't look it. but whatever. we meet some friends and decide we'll take them home with us to continue the drink parade and the goof off festival at my place. we make the mandatory stop at mcdonald's and get some chow and then head down number one rd to the 7-11 at steveston & number 1. suddenly i realize i'm wearing a beer cape, and i see a parked autobus on the side of the road just before the 7-11. so i decide it'd be a fucking grand idea to whip my iced-tea from mcdouche's at the bus. and so i do. it makes beautiful spraying contact with the coast mountain bus company vehicle and i feel pride in myself. pull into the 7-11, i run inside to purchase some smokizzles and i come back out and there are cops surrounding our car! AND THEY HAVE MY BEER. now, for those of you who don't know the rules of an after hours with chordizzle and the gang, beer is an essential part. without it we might as well watch martha stewart crochet a fucking yank flag in real time on P-fuckinBS. sad, you say? blow me.
so. i walk out of the 7-11 and manage to spit out a "what's the problem osssifer?" and he points to a bus that has pulled up outside the sev, and the angry bus driver talking to another cop who has just asked him, "and was there any damage, sir?". fucking killjoy bus driver BITCH.
so, now we're all out of the car, the cop car already has two fuckoffs in the back seat of his car, he confiscates our beer and asks for ashlizzle's shizzle. she produces her license, but the thing is, it's not her car. it's a friend's car. and the cop starts asking if this friend is reachable and if he could come out to the scene and we're like, wtf? no. he lives downtown and i told the cop, dude, it's like 3am, he's probably sleeping! why would he have to come to the scene when all that happened was some dumbass drunk chick with her beer cape on slammed an iced tea into a bus? i mean, i could understand if there was a major accident or something had happened to his car, but the BUS GOT WET IS ALL. so he drops it. but he notices squish's license is expired and all in all, with the open beer and the license and some other shit, the fines were going to be around $800.
and then i said, "geeez, what are the odds we'd have two cop incidents in one night?" the cop overhears this and says, "what do you mean?" i told him we gave statements at an accident earlier involving a cop and he says, "i KNEW i recognized you guys! that was me in the accident!" and suddenly, realizing the power we hold over him, he says, "ok, since you guys were great earlier and gave statements as witnesses, i'm gonna let this ride"
so what do you get, what do you get? a free ride and a fuckin' visit from midnight express is whatchu get, bitches. alls well that fuckin ends well. and i'm still drunk. bye.
Currently listening: The Police - Greatest Hits By The Police Release date: By 30 June, 1998 |
Labels: mike
butts and nolts
the same weekend dubya announced he was opening up the same sex marriage debate in the states, stephen harper did here, too. it's no coincidence. they share a fucking brain.
according to the georgia straight, the issue is to be opened again this fall. hopefully no one will pay any fucking attention and nothing will change. read more here
no pressure here, carrie n karla, but WHEN/IF the day comes, i just wrote to mike, i can't imagine a more beautiful wedding. s'ma bitches, yo. if harper fucks with that, i'll pull his head out dubya's ass just long enough to smack him with a rotting salmon carcass. farmed. not wild.
check out ze's fabuloso friday - i love this man.
jury overturns man's execution in virginia due to the fact that he's mentally challenged. fucking good. i can't imagine what kind of dark, black soul it'd take to put a man to death who has no understanding of what he's done, how he got where he is and why he's going to be killed. that's like convicting a baby of assault for biting someone and imprisoning him. it's fucking nutless bullshit.
you're going to die. will it be bird flu, polio, anthrax, mumps, a "vomit bug", measles, e coli, TB, pandemic flu, or osama bin boogeyman?
run and hide, kids. the world is about to eat you.
Currently listening: Forrest Gump By Original Soundtrack Release date: By 21 August, 2001 |
Labels: mike
colorado rockies wants jesus on their team
ok, remember when i posted about baseball's faith night? it's gone a step further kids...
an excerpt from a frightening article:
In a remarkable article from USA Today last week, the Colorado Rockies went public with the news that the organization has been explicitly looking for players with "character." And according to the Tribe of Coors, "character" means accepting Jesus Christ as your personal lord and savior. "We're nervous, to be honest with you," Rockies general manager Dan O'Dowd said. "It's the first time we ever talked about these issues publicly. The last thing we want to do is offend anyone because of our beliefs."
O'Dowd and company bend over backward in the article to say they are "tolerant" of other views on the club, but that's contradicted by statements like this from CEO Monfort: "I don't want to offend anyone, but I think character-wise we're stronger than anyone in baseball. Christians, and what they've endured, are some of the strongest people in baseball. I believe God sends signs, and we're seeing those."
read the rest of this bullshit, here.
all i have to say is, fuck baseball. you can have it. watch all the average people in the world run away, flailing from this game because their assholes hurt from having jesus pumped in it every time they want to enjoy a game. how is that fair? fuck all you moral high horse christians who can't handle a world with people that think differently. fuck you and shame on you. seriously. if i wanted to find salvation, i'd go to a damned church, not a baseball field.
i think the NFL should start having darwin days. yeah. we could have chimps sing the national anthem, and introduce them as "our ancestors!" and give away posters of the galapagos, sell t-shirts with the HMS Beagle on 'em. even better, darwin dolls!:
fuck faith night, and fuck your severe discrimination in the name of christ. how utterly ashamed of you he would be.
k, one more thing
this investigation continues and is why mike's celly is in the hole right now, and why there's a possibility that mike could join him. and why last week during a shakedown, all my letters were read by jerk-off COs, cause mike is sentimental and has kept all of them, amounting to over 250 or so. even though he has nothing to do with the gang, when an inmate is under any kind of investigation, he must be sent to the hole until the investigation is complete. mike spent 6 months in the hole cuzza this last year. SIX MONTHS.
now here's what i don't get. the authorities create this place, this unsafe place full of anger, violence, fear and punishment. they create this atmosphere of pure hatred, and then they try and "crack down" on the way these men try and deal with daily life in prison. it just doesn't make any sense! the aryan brotherhood is, first and foremost, a gang that protects it's members from harm. so that when your little cousin or brother or nephew ends up in prison, he doesn't get gang-raped and left for dead. these are defense mechanisms. they are simply defending themselves from one of the most inhumane environments ever created by man.
if the fbi truly wants to "crack down" on the aryan brotherhood, i'd suggest taking time out from reading all my fucking letters to mike, and make prison a little safer, a little more conducive to rehabilitation, a little more positive and a little less mortally terrifying for the men and women incarcerated.
Labels: mike
would this be considered blasphemous?
this article at the washington post talks about tiny microbes in australia being the "ancestors of life". gasp. i thought it was adam and eve. why would the post publish this? does the post not work for the administration, who of course, enacts the hand of god here on earth?
oh my tongue is so totally in my cheek.
sorry... i've been chipping my way through the power of myth with joseph campbell series. i've seen parts 1-4. riveting. absolutely riveting. the man was a dang genius.
Currently listening: Pulp Hits By Pulp Release date: By 24 June, 2003 |
THIS JUST IN: executive shake up at seo firm
founder and director of abalone designs inc. resigns.
in an unexpected turn of events for major canadian seo firm, abalone designs inc., courtney heard has stepped down as director. while she will keep her shares in the global-reaching company, she says "i no longer have the desire to stare at white walls in an empty room listen to the echos of my own breathing and the sounds of my minds synapses slowing". she hopes to pursue a writing career.
reacting to the news, courtney's complicated-better-half had this to say in a letter, "I'm proud of you, it's not easy at all to stare the unknown in the face like that. I can't think of too many people who'd have the guts to do what you're doing. That's fucking awesome. I love you so much, you never cease to amaze me."
friend, ashleigh, had a similar reaction, following it up with, "wanna get drunk? on me?"
when asked for comment, drummer john gave us an enthusiastic, "GO OILERS!" and friend and co-worker, carrie, promptly asked what courtney would be doing with her clients.
further reaction came from alex trebek when he asked, "what is... fucked for groceery money, alex? i mean, me. i'm alex trebek you know."
oprah's people would not return our calls. i'm sure this news has been a little unsettling for her, as it brings courtney one step closer to the harpo kingdom takeover.
Labels: mike
fema/bush succeed in ethnic cleansing
ever wonder why the richest, most powerful, most technologically advanced country in the world couldn't get their shit together to clean up one city?
After the twin barrages of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita last year, the City of New Orleans emerged nearly 64 percent smaller, having lost an estimated 278,833 residents, according to the Census Bureau's first study of the area since the storms.
Those who remained in the city were significantly more likely to be white, slightly older and a bit more well-off, the bureau concluded in two reports that were its first effort to measure the social, financial and demographic impact of the hurricanes on the Gulf Coast.
nyt: Reports Reveal Katrina's Impact on Population
Currently listening: Imagine By John Lennon Release date: By 11 April, 2000 |
wrestling ham from dimes
there was a woman behind us at the kari house on bayview, delicious malaysian food, spring rolls and roti and chicken satay skewers, who kept shouting about how she had guts.
"but do you know WHY? because I have GUTS"
"you know when i was younger i saved money because i only drank orange juice, all my friends drank alcohol and i just had orange juice. because i got GUTS"
i got up to go to the washroom and as i walked past her, with her copper hair and caked on make-up trying to hide her age, which must have been at least 65, she smiled at me. i smiled back.
coming back, i took my seat again and leaned back a little to hear what other bits of conversation gold i could pick up.
"look at that lady over there. look at her face, you can tell she lives an uninspired, unfulfilled life" for all i know she could have been talking about me.
"there are these magnificent gardens on the island just outside victoria, we ought to see them"
and our dinner arrives and i focus on my ginger chicken. the old couple next to us leaves and a sporty looking boy, about 14 or 15 sits down at their table with his father. he pulls out an mp3 player and his dad tries it out. unaware of his volume, the father yells out, "what's this song?" and the kid replies something about sum 41. another shout, "i like how this feels in my hand, it's rubbery!" and silence, and another booming declaration, "i got snoop dogg on right now!"
we trudge home, stuffed fulla tomatoes and prawns and curry sauce.
and then, this afternoon, the woman behind the counter at the bakery was scowling at me. i'm not sure why. perhaps because i paid for my ham and cheese croissant with dimes. when i'd left my apartment there was a letter that had been slipped under my door, from mikey, and i'd already gotten 3 today in my mailbox. when i got the three, i wondered why i hadn't recieved the one he told me about on the phone some time ago, that included a tracing of his hand. then i got this one under my door, sent to the wrong unit i suppose, which could be why the people in this building don't like me very much, that's twice a letter from a correctional institution to me, was sent to someone else. i'm sure they had a strata meeting about it and have decided to do all it takes to get me out of here, the girl who chums with cons. oh well. they win.
but the one under my door came with an outline of one mr. mike f's hand and "Hi Court!" beside it, and my hand fit in it and i miss him even more these days.
Labels: mike
bush is a closet tomato
check this out
does anyone see "same sex marriage" anywhere? or how about one of their moral high horse power terms, like "family values"? see it?
cause no one gives three flying fucks who marries who. there are more pressing matters at hand, like the coming fucking apocalypse. but all bush can think about is how he's haunted as he tries to sleep every night, by the idea that somewhere, some couple might be fucking happy and it seems to me that this administration's only goal is to kill all happiness everywhere.
good to see they're are focussing on what's really important
tragic headlines
i read this great blog, current events blog and in the june 1st edition, the headlines read as follows:
- US Offers Talks if Iran Suspends Nuclear Enrichment
- Marine Probe Points To Haditha Cover-Up
- US Troops Kill Pregnant Iraqi, Cousin
- US Admits Shooting Afghan Demonstrators
ze frank made a good point about this a couple days ago on the show, when he said that attack dogs don't make good seeing eye dogs, and punishing them for attacking won't make them lead the blind any better.
basically, these guys in the armed forces are trained to kill. watch jarhead, they're bloodthirsty. of course they're going to kill. that's what they've been molded into: killing machines. and add on top of that the extended tours of duty these guys have, they're suffering from physical and mental exhaustion, homesickness and the longer they're there, the more jaded and desensitized they become to death and violence and all that fucking fun shit that comes with war. this is a basic recipe for psychosis. are we really that surprised when they commit these atrocities? are we that naive?
veggies vs. fruits
veggie tales.
do you ever wonder, "why vegetables?". why not something fun? like balloons or shoes? and aren't tomatoes technically fruit? do you suppose bob the tomato is a fruit disguised as a vegetable because he's afraid of being judged for his fruitiness? look at that forced smile, the guy's dying inside because he can't be who he really is. and all the other veggies have their suspicions and talk about it behind his back. every once in a while, he'll catch his veggie friends gossiping and and, choking back tears, yell, "a tomato is a veggie! just like you!" and he'll go overboard expressing a vigorous hatred for fruits and say they are unnatural and that they should stay away from him cause they might give him the mold and fruit flies. but deep down inside he knows he is a fruit and must live with this shame, day in and day out.
sheeeit, next thing you know, veggies and fruits are going to want to unite in the saucepan or the salad bowl.
check this shit out: sports and salvation on faith night @ the stadium
for really real? time for the seventh inning stretch, INFIDELS SING WITH ME. jesus loves me this i know for the bible tells me so. play ball!
sumbuddy gimme some more crack, i don't think mine's working.
does this not take from the great masterpiece known as major league? the bible of baseball? JOBU? do you remember what cerrano said? do we remember? DO WE REMEMBER?
he said, "ahh, hey-suess, he's a good man, but he no help with curveball"
i rest my motherfucking case.
Currently watching: Major League Release date: By 24 September, 2002 |