
k, one more thing

this investigation continues and is why mike's celly is in the hole right now, and why there's a possibility that mike could join him. and why last week during a shakedown, all my letters were read by jerk-off COs, cause mike is sentimental and has kept all of them, amounting to over 250 or so. even though he has nothing to do with the gang, when an inmate is under any kind of investigation, he must be sent to the hole until the investigation is complete. mike spent 6 months in the hole cuzza this last year. SIX MONTHS.

now here's what i don't get. the authorities create this place, this unsafe place full of anger, violence, fear and punishment. they create this atmosphere of pure hatred, and then they try and "crack down" on the way these men try and deal with daily life in prison. it just doesn't make any sense! the aryan brotherhood is, first and foremost, a gang that protects it's members from harm. so that when your little cousin or brother or nephew ends up in prison, he doesn't get gang-raped and left for dead. these are defense mechanisms. they are simply defending themselves from one of the most inhumane environments ever created by man.

if the fbi truly wants to "crack down" on the aryan brotherhood, i'd suggest taking time out from reading all my fucking letters to mike, and make prison a little safer, a little more conducive to rehabilitation, a little more positive and a little less mortally terrifying for the men and women incarcerated.


Prison Blog - genpop.org

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