lazy emo storm
i was right - the bullshit in this is that a state of emergency had been called. if they're going to call a state of emergency every time a bit of rain falls, do you really think people are going to coninue to listen after a while? don't you think there will come a point after 30 mightless tropical storms pass through florida, and 30 states of emergency have been called, that people will become too jaded to heed the warnings and we'll have a katrina disaster on our hands again? why do we have to go so fucking overboard with fear? you know what? we're all gonna die one day. no matter how much worrying we do, how much avoiding life we do, we're still going to die. there is absolutely nothing that can be done to prevent this. the point of life is not to delay death, the point of life is LIFE. live people, enjoy and when a real storm comes around, get the fuck out.
family of gitmo prisoner doesn't buy that he committed suicide - "He had memorized the Koran by heart. He was a strong believer. How could he take his own life and spend eternity in hell?" asked his sister Sohayla, alluding to Islam's punishment for suicide.
lady, there are two possible answers to that question. 1. the pentagon is lying, which wouldn't be anything new. and in the wake of haditha and other atrocities committed by american military men, had these prisoners been murdered while being detained, and the story leaked to the press, they'd have a whole new shit storm to take care of. salt in a wound. 2. the conditions at guantanamo are so awful, it drove an "optimistic man" to take his own life and face eternal damnation. either way, something ought to be done.
fafblog has a good post about these suicides
wow, a new musical instrument has been invented: the tritare
Currently listening: Violent Femmes By Violent Femmes Release date: By 17 October, 2000 |
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