
tragic headlines

i read this great blog, current events blog and in the june 1st edition, the headlines read as follows:

- US Offers Talks if Iran Suspends Nuclear Enrichment
- Marine Probe Points To Haditha Cover-Up
- US Troops Kill Pregnant Iraqi, Cousin
- US Admits Shooting Afghan Demonstrators


ze frank made a good point about this a couple days ago on the show, when he said that attack dogs don't make good seeing eye dogs, and punishing them for attacking won't make them lead the blind any better.

basically, these guys in the armed forces are trained to kill. watch jarhead, they're bloodthirsty. of course they're going to kill. that's what they've been molded into: killing machines. and add on top of that the extended tours of duty these guys have, they're suffering from physical and mental exhaustion, homesickness and the longer they're there, the more jaded and desensitized they become to death and violence and all that fucking fun shit that comes with war. this is a basic recipe for psychosis. are we really that surprised when they commit these atrocities? are we that naive?

Prison Blog - genpop.org

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