land of the free?
Federal Judge Rules U.S. Can Detain Non-Citizens Indefinitely on Basis of Religion, Race or National Origin
cops don't need to knock when they have a search warrant
NSA datamining myspace
NSA wiretaps americans
major corporations to control what you can and cannot see on the internet. legally.
and of course, the majority of men on death rown are innocent, i'd bet my life.
and yet, idiots keep spewing shit like this:
dubyaa: "As we honor the members of our Armed Forces who have died for our freedom"
some random blogger: This Memorial Day, remember those who have died for our freedom, so their sacrifice will not be in vain
i repeat. in VAIN. is this a joke? are people this blind? what freedoms do you have? can you answer me this one question? what freedoms do you have? what, PRECISELY, have these men died for? so that everything you say can be recorded and monitored? so that all you do on the internet is logged by the government? so that, based on your race, religion or national origin alone you can be detained for decades without the advice of a lawyer or a fair trial? where are these so-called freedoms you have that so many, so fucking many men have died for? WHERE?
wake the fuck up people. your rights and freedoms are being stripped on a daily basis, and the speed at which this is ocurring is getting faster and faster. the men and women who have died for your freedom, have entrusted in you one thing, that you let no one take it away from you. that you stand up and fight for it, at home too. this is your right and duty as an american, to make sure that the things these men and women died for are not illusions, but reality and you're all failing so miserably. all of you are letting their "sacrifice be in vain". ALL OF YOU.
those men and women traveled to far away places and gave their lives for your freedom and you can't even pull your head out of your ass long enough to stand up and speak in your own hometown for the same cause? assholes. pure assholes.
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