
let's see which rights you've lost today

your right to privacy

AT&T: All your data are belong to us (and temp. demo.) - Computerworld Blogs

AT&T Inc. said yesterday that it was revising its privacy policy, explaining to customers that it owns their phone records and can hand them over to law enforcement officials if necessary. The changes take effect tomorrow and come at a time when AT&T and other phone companies face lawsuits claiming that they aided a U.S. government domestic spying program by giving the National Security Agency call records of millions of customers without their permission.

Bank Records Secretly Tapped

The Bush administration, relying on a presidential declaration of emergency, has secretly been tapping into a vast global database of confidential financial transactions for nearly five years, according to U.S. government and industry officials.

your right to the truth

PA-Sen: Santorum Makes Shit Up

Congressman Hoekstra and I are here today to say that we have found weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, chemical weapons.... Since 2003, coalition forces have recovered approximately 500 weapons munitions which contain degraded mustard or sarin nerve agent.

your right to free information and free speech

net neutrality action

Word is that we are as close as one vote away from killing this having the Snowe/Dorgan amendment (S. 2917) prevail in committee. The committee vote is likely to be on Tuesday, giving us five days to convince our Senators to vote against the Stevens legislation, and support the Snowe/Dorgan amendment (S. 2917).

your right to a fair trial

Arbour denounces secret detention of terror suspects

GENEVA - The top United Nations human rights official Friday denounced as a “grave concern” the use of secret detention centres in the war on terrorism, and said governments must abide by the law in their treatment of prisoners, including avoiding torture and providing fair trial.

your right to vote

A chilling threat to civil rights

The struggle to protect US minorities' access to the ballot box continues with a new challenge to the Voting Rights Act.

Prison Blog - genpop.org

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