Newt Gingrich has called for America to tear up the Constitution and throw out the first amendment, because free speech helps terrorism. Didn't this guy take an oath to uphold the Constitution? This is a new low, even for Gingrich.
what the hell do you expect coming from a guy named newt? it's amazing he's not rotting away in prison somewhere, kept away from gen pop because he might be inclined to eat them... mmmm, inmate spleen...
it's -8 degrees celcius and my neighbors have left their dog on the porch. the spca assured me she'll be fine if she has a dog house. which she does. but if i wake up and that dog is not ok, someone is getting an icicle enema.
and we've determined my dog is part tigger because all he really does is bounce around. especially in the snow. you oughtta see him now, lying next to me in my rich-red bed, head on a pillow, body under the covers like a human. shit, what the fuck made me so lucky?
when i was a kid, my folks used to repeatedly tell me the story of the day bobby kennedy was shot. my dad stayed up all night watching the news and they'd both taken the day off work the next day, sat in bed and cried. i grew up knowing what a great man bobby kennedy had been, greater so than his brother, a man who could have made our lives so incredibly different.
the ads for the flick bobby never showed an actor playing him and i'd had a couple conversations with my friends about whether or not he was even going to be portrayed by anyone or if they would just use old news footage. i'd commented that i hope it wasn't this way because i wanted to hear some of the things he'd had to say.
so i went to see the flick last night, and there was no bobby, just old news footage, but only a few minutes into the movie i understood why. i said this to my friends when i left, that if bobby kennedy had been asked when he was alive how he would have wanted a movie about him to be done, he would have answered that he wouldn't have wanted it to be about himself.
this movie is about the lives he would have affected. emilio estevez created a miniature version of america within the ambassador hotel, including representatives from all walks of life. people who were struggling because of their race, men who worried about going to vietnam, drug users, hopeful african american politicians, the rich, the poor, women and men, black and white. we followed these people's stories on that one day, and you slowly start to see how profound an affect bobby kennedy's potential presidency would have had on america.
i'm not sure a lot of people will understand why the makers of this movie decided to take this route with it, telling the stories of these people rather than bobby kennedy, but i think the point is that a story about bobby kennedy, is a story about the people of the united states of america. cause that's all he gave a shit about.
and of course, in the end he dies, history plays the spoiler in this movie, unfortunately. i don't think i've bawled so heavily at a movie in my entire life.
in spite of what the ignorant and heartless critics have to say, i fucking loved this movie.
It is one of the least-told stories in American crime-fighting. New York, the safest big city in the nation, achieved its now-legendary 70-percent drop in homicides even as it locked up fewer and fewer of its citizens during the past decade. The number of prisoners in the city has dropped from 21,449 in 1993 to 14,129 this past week. That runs counter to the national trend, in which prison admissions have jumped 72 percent during that time.
"I can't tell you exactly why violent crime in New York declined by twice the national rate," he said. "But I can tell you this: It wasn't because we locked up more people."
I can tell you why, and i'll be right again. it's because prison causes crime. 18 yr olds nailed on posession charges go to prison and turn into 23 yr old assault and battery charges which turn into 44 yr old murder charges. it's simple, prison, as it is run right now, causes recidivism, so logically, locking up fewer people will mean that fewer people are released from prison more fucked up than when they went in, and thus it means fewer people re-offending.
i first realized what a witch nancy grace is when my folks were in hurricane wilma. i was glued to the news, probably one of the only times in my life other than 9/11 that i watched cnn that much. nancy grace just kept popping her dumb blond head on the screen and saying dumbass shit and there was probably about a trillion times over those few days where i actually almost forgot to worry about my parents because i wanted to kick grace in the neck so bad. luckily my folks came home unscathed and i haven't had a reason to glue myself to cnn in a year or so.
but i was just reading this article in the smoking gun, and i just can't understand this woman. first, why the fuck is she on tv? second, during the clip below she says that she can't understand why this grieving mother won't offer a timeline as to where she was the day her kid disappeared. why does the mother need to give nancy grace a timeline? how does she know she hasn't already given it to the police and the fbi? like, wtf? who made nancy fucking grace god?
so now the parents of this mother are suing grace for wrongful death. i hope she loses and the state finds grounds to charge her with manslaughter. hah. that'd never happen, i know...
Authorities said police were searching for a man who sold drugs to an undercover agent when they burst into the home of an elderly woman, sparking a shootout in which three officers were wounded and the woman was killed...
After police identified themselves and knocked down the door, she opened fire and injured three of the officers, Dreher said.
wow. y'know when your 92 yr old grandmammy takes a bullet after open-firing on police for your illegal drug selling operation, you're fucked. what's that, like 942 years in prison? you know, life + a few for good measure, in case joe blow with commando-grams lives forever?
just illin' in the blogosphere today, an unproductive day really, except i found a lot of good thought-provoking kibbles and bits. i wonder what would happen if i ran out of reading material, y'know, stumbled on the secret to eternal life like the couple in tom robbins' jitterbug perfume and continued to read all day, every day for all eternity. s'pose if this blog fad continues, i'll never run outta junk to read. of course, i'll end up overdosing on LOLs and OMGs and probably die anyway. regardless. the kibbles.
prison. too many people are just wrong about it. i get all this fucking bullshit about everyone being entitled to their own opinion and that's fair enough, but most of those opinions are wrong. was hitler not wrong? the fucktard had some delicious ideas when it came to economical repair, but as far as his people skills went, the man was about as wrong as wrong gets. there are wrong opinions. very wrong opinions. one of them is that the only answer to crime and it's prevention is incarceration and death. that is wrong. all you have to do is look closer and think.
which brings me to kibble and/or bit number 2. there seems to still be an obscene amount of people out there who think george dubya actually has something to offer society. i picture these people wandering through life with their eyes closed, slamming into walls and shit. they are the pedestrians who get hit by cars doing 20k, they were the children who thought launching bottle rockets out of their assholes sounded like a great idea, that guy in arkansas who shot his nut sack with a bullet he shoved in place of a blown fuse and it heated up and fired. thoughtless.
meanwhile, while trolling the web for said kibbles and bits, i chewed the life out of a piece of orbit gum and now my jaw hurts. shit.
in vancouver tonight, there was a council meeting to discuss what to do with a budget surplus of about 5 million bucks a year for the next some-odd years. rumor had it they were thinking of putting it away as an olympic slush fund. in a city where we have the worst homelessness problem in the country (and not the highest population), where people have been protesting for years the lack of spending on the east side to help house people, where tent cities have sprung up all over the place and the dispute over this issue has been unending. in this city, they want to use the surplus money for the olympics, a bourgoise indulgence, a useless 3 week testicle swinging show.
so anyway. at this council meeting all the same protesters appeared as was expected, to have their voices heard about funding a woman's shelter on the east side. infuriated because they've been trying to be heard for years and years and years, they tried to get into the meeting and speak. but they were taken down by the vancouver police with pepper spray. the chretien legacy, alive and well...
and then the newscaster goes on to talk about how civil unrest and street crime has increased over the years in vancouver. doesn't anyone see the correlation?
don't worry, go eat your fuckin' taco chips, fatass. i'll deal with this.
so i was in the us of frikken a on saturday, crossed with my brand new passport, and my puppy to go to the beach and we got pulled over and asked to go inside. luckily they didn't pull the patriot act out and start snapping rubber gloves, but later when i was at the beach and saw a shotgun shell, i thought:
i don't think we take enough time to stop and appreciate the decider for doing such things as publishing the most-wanted deck of cards to help us find saddam (the joker) after shock n' awe, and other evil-doers, shipping 'em off to places like gitmo where they could start using truth serum to find out the locales of other high-ranked officials in the axis-of-evil.
so, next time you're chowin' on freedom fries and liberty bacon, remember that somewhere out there, there is a bearded man in a cave on a dialysis machine just waiting to rip that bacon right out of your mouth and replace it with anthrax and islam; remember your chief, remember the decider.
1. i got banned from a traffic exchange for foul language. fuck, what a bunch of fucking bullshit. whoops.
hey FUCKERS, if a certain string of letters is enough to set you off crying to the admins of traffic exchange sites, maybe you oughtta find a new hobby. like suicide or something. close your eyes when inamorato comes around, pull the sledgehammer out of your ass. people swear. they always will. avoidance will never be possible. so you either accept it and move on, or... fuck, whatever. i don't care.
2. god hates fags dot com (i refuse to link to such filth), says the following:
"The only lawful sexual connection is the marriage bed. All other sex activity is whoremongery and adultery, which will damn the soul forever in Hell."
so, uhh, watch where you're pokin' your salami or you'll be joining me in hell as i serve my eternal sentence for saying fuck too much.
3. - all about gay recovery and ex-gays. uncle frank, this is most definitely a joke.
you really have to wonder what some people are lacking in their own lives to have to care so damned much about what a bunch of complete strangers do behind closed doors. sado-masochism is fine, butt plugs : a hearty adventure, heterosexual gangbanging: stupendous!! but same sex relationships: whoremongery.
and you whine because i swear... jesus, this world is fucked.
Korean company Xell is here to prove that you can serve both God and Mammon. No, it's not a DAP or even a PMP, this one's G-Dubya'd a DBP, or Digital Bible Player. The B10 Bible Master is just the latest gluttonous beast in Xell's lineup of DBPs for Korea. We don't have a lot of details, but clearly it comes loaded with bible verse in both plain and hopefully SMS formats, an FM tuner to get the latest on the developing apocalypse, and an MP3 player presumably with a 2x reverse-play function for tracking down the debil's hidden messages.
now you can ease your troubled conscience as you sin. what's next? drive through confession? 1-800-repent? the home baptism kit? tickle-me-bishop? oh, snap, that sounds dangerous.
i read a lot of blogs. it's almost my entire job. it's fucking goofy. seriously, i feel like jesus of the blogosphere.
blog blog blog blog blog
you know what bugs me about most blogs? their titles. seriously. there is so much pretentiousness in blogging it's not even funny. most blogs are written in the style i like to call "thesaurusized". this is where the blog writer, we'll call him dipshit, writes up something in his own words and his own style and then goes through it with a fine toothed comb finding simple words he can replace with long, obscure, only-used-once-before-in-history-by-shakespeare words that function as some sort of "look how fucking smart i think i am" badges. it makes me hurl. digitally.
i cannot stand it when people use this style to NAME their blogs. i hate it. surf blog after blog and i swear to you, every second one will have the word "musings" in the title. like the blogger is some kind of brooding fucking out of work playwrite who shares a loft with four college basketballers and posts about how misunderstood his art is, and every once in a while slaps up some silly fucking haiku about not washing the dishes.
and then there's the bloggers who post about inane bullshit like how many plastic bags it took to carry home their thanksgiving turkey and what their middle kid's recent fart smelled like. no one cares what your favorite brand of tea is, or how many inches high on your calf your fucking socks reach. stop it. stop polluting my blogosphere.
go read some newspapers, read some books, watch some movies. get yourselves fucking smart.
Five adult siblings who can walk only on all fours have been found in Turkey, researchers say. These human quadrupeds may provide clues to how humans evolved to stand on two feet.
haul ass over the the pioneer pub any given saturday night and all you see is quadrupeds.
i wonder why we say "on all fours"? shouldn't it be "on all four"? we only have one set of four extremities. if we had spares, and were using our primary set plus at least one spare, then we could maybe say "on all fours". actually, we'd have to use all of our sets of four extremities. primary, spares, even the set you threw out last week, in order for the word "all" to apply.
what the hell am i talking about. is it friday yet? where's the beer?
A judge postponed the sentencing of four leaders of the Aryan Brotherhood prison gang Monday...
The four men were convicted of murder, conspiracy and racketeering in a case aimed at dismantling the Aryan Brotherhood -- a white supremacist organization accused of dealing drugs and spreading terror inside some of the nation's most dangerous prisons.
i've always believed i'd know when i was going to die. i've always believed i'll end up with someone i love more than i love breathing. i believe i'm meant to do more in this world than the average person. i've lived my whole life believing that people will know my name for years after i die.
sometimes i wonder if these are just delusions of grandeur. i wonder if maybe i, and people like me, just try and find more depth in average, everyday, chemical, biological, scientific processes. maybe it's all just bullshit and we justify our continuation in life by believing we have a higher purpose.
i've loved him for eleven years and i can't fucking shake it. is this delusion? if it is, i don't want any clarity. i love loving him.
demonstrating my musical bi-polarity, i've been listening to the deftones and mando diao over and over.
here's how it works. we'll start with mando diao, cause it's really a chicken/egg situation and randomness seems the best route here.
i listen to mando diao, who's lyrics include such heart-piercing lines as:
“i wanna love you but i’m growing old ten little soldiers’ screaming in my soul”
"i said i’d die for you or was it in my head"
"you make me laugh you make me shiver Isn’t that a fabulous thing"
and then i get all fucking pissed off and sad and the only thing that will cure me is a fat block of screamin m'fukkin' chino.
and then i get calm again and i wanna hear the pretty mando diao tunes again and it just fucking goes around and around and around. whatever. fuck it.
thanks to my friend-ish type deal, scott, in edmonton for posting about mando diao in his blog on myspace like 4000 years ago or some shit, i can't remember but thanks for posting cause, aside from the smashing assholes, he has pretty good taste in music and i checked out mando diao cause he said to. so. there. anddddd scene. fuckin friday. the most useless, unproductive workday of the whole bunch. i'm gonna go count the birdy-cats.
the slow cranial deterioration of a web designer/inventor
yesterday i worked from about 10am until 8 pm on - i'm pretty proud of it, but my brain is utterly fried. it seems to be fried a lot lately. except when i'm asleep? i seem to be having ideas for inventions in my dreams. last night i had one for a new game/movie/novel which i will not divulge, because it's a pretty good idea, but i will tell you that in the dream we were playing this game, and the ultimate point of it is to guess what happened in some murder mystery, kinda like clue. but someone you know who isn't playing has to supply the possible scenarios. i was playing with a bunch of older people and i was curious to see who'd supplied the final scenarios when they all opened this massive package from mike. they'd surprised me, he'd written them up for everyone and he wrote me a letter as well, except it was typed up on a computer while everything else was hand-written. i dunno. my head is messed. i miss 'im.
but anyway, go check out earlstown winter, they're awesome, great, just really beautiful music.
i had this little notebook a while back that i found on a plane at my job cleaning up everyone's post-flight filth (seriously, do you know how many of you think properly disposing of chicken bones and used condoms while in mid-flight involves either adhering them somehow to the aircraft's ceiling and/or shoving them in between seat cushions?). the notebook had some little cartoon dog on the cover named pochacco, the yorimichi dog. the caption underneath read, "i am enjoying always".
so i've managed to slam my brittle little web designer's hands down on a copy of saturday night wrist by the deftones, and while it's no white pony, when i listen to it, i am definitely enjoying always.
wish i could send it to mike. he loves the deftones. you know how all those unknowing assholes say that "time heals all wounds". "it gets easier with time"? they're full of shit. every day i miss him more. but then, none of your human cliches ever really applied to me anyway.
democrats take control of the house, strickland gets ohio, i had spitz pumpkin seeds for breakfast and hot damn:
From: Subject: CNN International Breaking News Date: November 8, 2006 9:53:21 AM PST (CA) To: vlu777@GMAIL.COM
-- U.S. President George W. Bush is to announce that Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld is stepping down from his post. Watch CNN or log on to for the latest news.
am i still asleep? did christmas come early? my sincerest condolences to california however. in arnold's defense though, he did say he'd be back... and you never know, it could be good the second time around. terminator 2 was better than the first.
election day, got my races refreshing at 5 minute intervals, waiting, waiting, waiting to see some results...
and i get a breaking news email from cnn. "oh!", i think, "this must be the first data coming in from exit polls!!". i open the email and to my absolute and utter dismay, i read:
From: Subject: CNN International Breaking News Date: November 7, 2006 1:16:34 PM PST (CA) To: vlu777@GMAIL.COM
-- Britney Spears files for divorce from her husband Kevin Federline, citing irreconcilable differences.
are you serious?? this is breaking news? oh lord, your country is so fucked. may your deity of choice have mercy on your souls. all hope for my american friends is lost... the empire is falling, crumbling under the weight of britney's child-bearing hips.
the naacp sent this out to me, and since i can't vote being all canuckian and shit, i thought i'd share it with you all:
Tomorrow is Election Day and the NAACP is prepared to ensure that you can exercise your right to vote and have it counted. For months our units have been working across the country to make certain that eligible voters are registered, informed about important issues, and prepared to make decisions in this year’s mid-term elections.
Today, the NAACP is involved in a national effort to Get-Out-The-Vote and is committed to protecting each vote cast on November 7th. The NAACP is part of the nation’s most comprehensive and far-reaching nonpartisan Election Protection Coalition. Joined by People for the American Way and the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, the NAACP is prepared to provide direct and immediate assistance to voters by way of a national Election Protection hotline: 1-866-OUR-VOTE.
i'll refrain from spouting about how sad it is that a country that is still convinced it is the greatest democracy and most free has to resort to this shit to make sure every eligable voter is able to vote, and just urge you all to make sure you vote. i wanna be impressed this time. i wanna see numbers. get out there. do it. take fucking control.
to vote or not to vote, fuggit, where's the remote?
Compare U.S. voting with foreign voting and it's not a pretty sight. Americans are less apt to vote than are people in other old democracies, in new ones, in dangerous places, dirt poor ones, freezing cold ones, stinking hot ones and highly dysfunctional ones.
1. carl's junior took your onion rings from the side and shoved 'em in your burger and now if you move too fast and/or vote, you will have an aneurysm.
2. yet another girl who has never eaten at carl's junior (or anywhere for that matter) is to be voted off of america's next top model this week and you've got your cash riding on the twins... plus a side bet that tyra's ass has ballooned two more sizes since the last episode. this is a far more important democratic procedure than the future of your country.
3. you're fucking retards. (the non-voters - i loves me lots of smart yanks).
so, jen left a comment on my last post and it raised a lot of great questions and points and my response to it would be way too long to post in the comments, so i'll respond here.
jen said:
how do we prevent these types of crimes? I was the victim of an assault and it happened completely out of the blue without provocation and by a complete stranger, but within a relatively safe environment. I'm the last person to advocate carrying any kind of weapon, but it seems like the only way to keep one's self safe, although at the expense of seriously harming the attacker, or someone you mistakenly think is attacking you. The main problem with any weapon is that if it is used to threaten the attacker they have the opportunity to take it away and use it on you, and if you use it right away, you risk injuring or killing innocent people.
Nothing in the attacker's past that I was aware of indicated a propensity towards violence or alcoholism, but he was intoxicated on alcohol at the time. Unfortunately I think it's a bit late to re-criminalize alcohol, but considering how much dammage it does to society at large it really shouldn't be so readily available in seemingly limitless quantities. I would support much more regulation, but you'll never hear anything like that because binge drinking is such a huge industry. Let it be rare, precious and cherished, not taken for granted abused for fun or because it tastes good. Some people will, of course, just like some people will always smoke crack, but those people have serious, and most likely obvious problems that can be addressed and dealt with if there are facilities and programs in place to treat them. You cannot completely wipe out any particular drug, people need drugs to get by in a world that's so fucked up, but as a society it's our duty to minimize the harm they do and prevent abuse, but we are not even trying to prevent binging on this very harmful drug, and that's when it is a particular danger to others, and thus society.
so what can we do? maybe if there was a person charged with some crime while being drunk on the news every single night people would change their minds? would that even be enough, considering the size of the global industry today? I feel rather helpless trying to make positive changes with so much weight behind an institution of great harm.
the first question, how do we prevent these types of crimes? you've stated that in your case the attacker showed no prior signs of bing at risk to attack someone, but the majority of cases out there involve a perpetrator who has shown some signs of heading in the wrong direction. in my case, this was a friend of mine, someone i knew very well. at times we were inseparable and i can tell you that spanning the entire time i knew him, i also knew that something was different about him. i knew he had a deep sadness, i knew he was emotionally stunted and had such an incredible inability to function normally in social situations. it was clear, very clear there was something wrong with him. to the point that i had to stop hanging out with him. it wasn't necessarily that i felt unsafe, it just got to be such a chore hanging out with someone who had so many emotional problems. a few years went by and we sort of ran into each other again. he seemed to have his shit together, and within a couple weeks of hanging out with each other again, he'd raped me.
he had sought help from many places many times for his problems and was offered no real help. most mental health professionals put patients on drugs without so much as listening to why they might be feeling so awful. they don't focus on the root of the problem. people don't just wake up one day, sad and fucked up out of the blue. something causes it, and if you find the cause and treat the cause, the symptoms stop occurring. it happens to the best of us. i know i've made some horrible, horrible mistakes in my life because i wasn't feeling particularly sane, happy or functional.
i'm not suggesting that giving people help for their emotional problems will prevent all crime, but you'd be naive to think it wouldn't prevent some. in my case, i feel it was preventable. i feel that the man who attacked me could have had some good help and been a contributing, sane member of society no problem. but that didn't happen, because the criminal justice system in my country is 100% reactive, not proactive.
as far as alcohol is concerned, that's just a cop-out. a) i've been just as drunk as the next guy many many times and i still know the difference between right and wrong. b) there are hundreds of countries in the world that lack the alcoholism problems canada and the USA do. and they have no drinking age. children are given glasses of wine with lunch and dinner in italy, spain all over south america, etc. there is no sudden need to drink two years of your life away when you turn 19 or 21 because you've been drinking for years and it's no big deal.
i totally agree that wiping out any one drug is futile. it will never happen. as long as people live on earth and there is still arable land, people will do drugs. alcohol, heroin, crack, meth, whatever. it will always be with us and what really needs to happen is the legalization and regulation of all illicit drugs. regulation of these drugs will prevent, on a massive scale, overdosing, binging, impure drugs, disease and most of all, the crime associated with the illegality of all of these drugs will cease, our prisons would virtually empty and prostitution would be minimal.
thanks for your comment jen, it's good to talk about this shit.
it's possible i may have gone into the wrong profession. even more possible is that what i want out of life, what i wish will one day be the case for me, is no longer right. i think maybe i should have been a cop, a corrections officer, a detective, a lawyer, a judge, a parole officer. something to do with criminals.
we are all so affected by crime, so tremendously affected and most of us don't even realize. and the way it's being handled right now is only making everything worse. every tv show we watch, every movie we see, half the songs we hear, books we read, news we take in, games we play. crime, crime, crime. it's a multi-trillion dollar industry for both sides of the law, and it's just being fed and it's growing and consuming us. we are such hungry parasites that we no longer feel that consuming what surrounds us is sufficient, we must consume each other. we must consume ourselves.
and whether we are doing it in the name of the law or to break it, turning on one another the way we do is almost exclusively human. like the betta fish, survival of our species may one day depend on our complete and total isolation from each other. it already is the case with 2.2 million people in the US alone.
the same question always enters my head when i think about this shit: how much have we really progressed? we've had incarceration and the death penalty since the dawn of civilization, and what has it done? crime is worse, homicides have increased and more people are in prison than ever before. per capita. so why do we do it? why? does anyone really care about fixing it, or is this just a system of revenge, retaliation, punishment and torture?