
orbit makes me jaw hurt

just illin' in the blogosphere today, an unproductive day really, except i found a lot of good thought-provoking kibbles and bits. i wonder what would happen if i ran out of reading material, y'know, stumbled on the secret to eternal life like the couple in tom robbins' jitterbug perfume and continued to read all day, every day for all eternity. s'pose if this blog fad continues, i'll never run outta junk to read. of course, i'll end up overdosing on LOLs and OMGs and probably die anyway. regardless. the kibbles.

prison. too many people are just wrong about it. i get all this fucking bullshit about everyone being entitled to their own opinion and that's fair enough, but most of those opinions are wrong. was hitler not wrong? the fucktard had some delicious ideas when it came to economical repair, but as far as his people skills went, the man was about as wrong as wrong gets. there are wrong opinions. very wrong opinions. one of them is that the only answer to crime and it's prevention is incarceration and death. that is wrong. all you have to do is look closer and think.

which brings me to kibble and/or bit number 2. there seems to still be an obscene amount of people out there who think george dubya actually has something to offer society. i picture these people wandering through life with their eyes closed, slamming into walls and shit. they are the pedestrians who get hit by cars doing 20k, they were the children who thought launching bottle rockets out of their assholes sounded like a great idea, that guy in arkansas who shot his nut sack with a bullet he shoved in place of a blown fuse and it heated up and fired. thoughtless.

meanwhile, while trolling the web for said kibbles and bits, i chewed the life out of a piece of orbit gum and now my jaw hurts. shit.

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Prison Blog - genpop.org

1 comment(s):

what else can people do? if we dont report crimes then these people will take over the city, and when you do report a crime they go to prison for a short time and then get out and we start all over. changing the justice system is like changing the political system, just can't happen unless there is a huge change, like a revolution or something. i try to do what I can by writing to politicians but there are so many more voices calling for more punishment. what can ordinary people really do about crime without greasing the system?

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 24.11.06  

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