
on all fours

Five adult siblings who can walk only on all fours have been found in Turkey, researchers say. These human quadrupeds may provide clues to how humans evolved to stand on two feet.

Family Walks on All Fours, May Offer Evolution Insight, Experts Say

haul ass over the the pioneer pub any given saturday night and all you see is quadrupeds.

i wonder why we say "on all fours"? shouldn't it be "on all four"? we only have one set of four extremities. if we had spares, and were using our primary set plus at least one spare, then we could maybe say "on all fours". actually, we'd have to use all of our sets of four extremities. primary, spares, even the set you threw out last week, in order for the word "all" to apply.

what the hell am i talking about. is it friday yet? where's the beer?

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