"As a strong advocate for the wrongfully convicted, I have become aware of Jimmy's case and hope to help Jimmy and his supporters find justice in this case." - Susan Sarandon, Actress/Activist
a new post about jimmy's letter to me on walkalone
check it out. be supportive of my thus far weak attempt at friggen acting on her social conscience. COMMENT. BOOKMARK. SUBSCRIBE TO THE FEED.
i'd swim across lake michigan
sometimes i really hate being alone. it can be within the first ten seconds after someone says goodbye, ten seconds of a quiet rainy night, ten seconds of reflection, ten seconds of nothing to do but think. i hate it because i think of him and it makes my throat swell with tension and i think about him and i can't sop and i cry and i miss him and it's so fucking wrong. i'd do anything...
Currently listening: Automatic for the People By Rem |
Labels: mike
bad news my little chimichangas
DNA tests used to reaffirm guilt
DNA can prove innocence, reconfirm guilt.
Funny how quickly the hype machine building around an executed Virginia man got quiet.
The anti-capital punishment crowd hoped a new round of DNA testing would exonerate Roger Keith Coleman and lead to a renewed ban on the death penalty. It hasnt turned out that way. Far from it.
The tests reconfirm that Coleman, who was put to death 14 years ago, was guilty of the 1981 rape and murder of his sister-in-law, Wanda McCoy. And that ended Colemans days as the apparent poster victim against capital punishment.
The lesson from the Coleman case, however, is that advanced technology may not just help determine innocence, but also reassert guilt. Virginia was right to order the extra tests, and authorities in other states shouldnt hesitate to do so when the circumstances warrant it.
DNA tests used to reaffirm guilt
Currently listening: The Chronic By Dr. Dre |
a new post to walkalone
a new post to
walkalone! this one is exceptionally interesting...
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optimize your stride
so on tuesday night, the abalones and i join each other for dinner at cloud nine, the delicious restaurant that spins atop vancouver catching breathtaking panoramic views. we enjoy some biz discussion, oysters, clams and mussels, a little grilled chicken, baked salmon and tender steak, delicious wines, and rich desserts. bellies full, we get a little goofy and my brother, trust my brother, comes up with one of his random questions like he often does as though he's being followed around by the obscure question fairy.
"how long do you suppose it will take to walk from steveston to the seabus?"
a myriad of answers spring forth from our chicken, cheese and chickpea-dulled minds. becky says 4 hours, carrie says 5, uday says 7, bobby says 10 and i fall somewhere in the middle in a swiss-like neutral move, with 6. friendly argument ensues and the din of giggling rises.
"we should walk it and find out. get people to sponsor us for charity"
a wild idea. additions pop up from each of us. "we could send out a press release!", "we could get matching white track suits and headbands!", "we could donate the money to the canadian cancer society!", "we could do the talk show circuit and as we walk out on to the stage in our matching track suits and headbands, stop to stretch and tell the host we bet on how long it would take to get from the hotel to the studio!", "we could have commercials of us all working in the office in our maching track suits and two of us get up to go to the bathroom at the same time and end up racing each other after a staredown!"
but what should we call such an event sponsored by a search engine optimization company?
on the drive home, my idea light sprung on with a ding, "optimize your stride!"
Currently listening: In Utero By Nirvana |
bureaucracy makes my heart go pitter patter
an excerpt from a letter i wrote to mike:
speaking of simplicity, i called MCI today and asked why i had a block on my phone and they put me through to the department that deals with their contracts with correctional institutions and i got a recorded message telling me that my provider had put a block on them. so i call my provider (i switched from sprint to vonage when i moved) and ask why there's a block and they tell me that they don't allow any collect calls on any of the phone services they offer. and i kept asking if there was any way possible to make an exception and, aside from offering the guy the best blow job of his life, tried to persuade them with any means necessary to no avail. so i call my cell phone company and try the same deal to no avail. so i get back on the phone with MCI to see if i can just get a number with them and have it forwarded to my line now and the woman told me it was possible and started setting me up, and we went through the whole fucking song and dance until she realized it was a business line and said she would have to transfer me to a specialist in the dept. that deals with correctional institutions. SIGH. so i get transfered and i get the same fucking recorded message that my provider has put a block on their calls and then it hangs up on me. so at this point my thick blond hair is now thin and grey and i'm yelling at becky and chain smoking on my patio and i just call sprint and get a new phone number with them and the guy i talk to first is asking me all these weird questions like "how old are you?" , "do much dating out there on the west coast?" "are you tall?" WHAT?? and just as he's about to blow his load to the sound of my voice he asks why i'm in such a rush to get this line installed and i'm honest, i tell him i get collect calls from a correctional institution in the states. so he transfers me to someone else where i go through a whole new routine and a whole new set of questions and finally, finally get the order in and i'm going to have a new phone number on february 2nd just for you.
i hope it makes you feel all warm and fuzzy, cause if you feel like i shouldn't have done that, you are very dangerously mistaken. of course i should have, you're in possession of large chunks of my heart and mind and soul and your voice makes me smile like nothing else... not having a way to hear it would be a serious blow to my inner peace. i'd go through that eighty more times just to talk to you. so don't feel guilty or anything. i'm a big girl, i can make my own damned decisions, and i'd make the same one over and over for you. besides, the money and time would have been spent on something much less happy and warm, like beer or smokes. so, in essence, you're saving my life. i owe you huge.
Labels: mike
the gay agenda
a great blog post: the gay agenda courtesy of my favorite blog sub, doug
very, very, very good read.
for canucks on voting day
before you go out and vote, remember that each and every vote counts towards funding the next time around for that party. so if you wanna vote green but think it's throwing away a vote, think again.
besides, it's irresponsible as a voter in a democracy to vote for a party you don't want to win. that's what's making the whole system go astray... if each and every one of you who said they wanted to vote one way but are going to another way because there are "only two real options", actually voted for who you wanted in power, tomorrow would be a whole different election than what the polls predict.
whatever the fuck you do though, DO NOT, and i repeat, DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES VOTE CONSERVATIVE. the man is hitler. and don't scoff at that, slowly but surely he will remove the freedoms we enjoy and we'll turn into the united states of america jr. fighting wars, and having our kids come home in body bags for oil and money and power. bush likes him, isn't that enough??
remember, a large portion of german jews voted for hitler... he made a great case and put on a great campaign and he appealed to the masses, but if they had looked, for just a few moments to some of the questions that lurk behind every politician, we might have been spared the second world war.
what questions are out there regarding stephen harper?
all politicians lie, what is stephen harper lying about?
is the threat of another jewel theft scandal really more dangerous than sending our citizens into iraq, an openly admitted mistake, just like vietnam? is it more dangerous than having legalized same sex marriage revoked? is it more dangerous than losing our right to chooose what happens within our own bodies? is it more dangerous than having a wall thrown up so that all your friends and family from other countries can no longer immigrate here? is it more dangerous than losing the ability to be treated in an emergency room without presenting your fucking aeroplan gold visa? is it more dangerous than losing more and more of our hard working teachers, and making our children suffer? is it more dangerous than losing social programs that help eliminate homelessness and the spread of HIV? is it more dangerous than all of you going to prison for having a roach in your car's ashtray (odds are, 90% of you british columbians reading this have some form of marijuana pariphernalia floating around your house or car)? no, it's not more dangerous. i'd take a jewel theif and higher taxes any day over this uber-right-wing religious fanatic who's only platform is to shove his nose right up george w. bush's tight, white asshole.
just think about the unknowns. if you think these points are scary, think about all of those things stephen harper is going to do to our great country that we've yet to even hear about... hitler never told his voters that he was going to attempt to slaughter an entire race before they voted, stephen harper ain't about to leak his scariness either. you may think you know all you need to know, but they always lie, always. just think, what could harper possibly be lying about...
3 must reads, prior to voting:
please don't fuck our country. vote wisely.
Currently listening: Be Careful How You Vote By Sunnyland Slim |
sufjan moves me, his lyrics are amazing and invoke such tremendous fucking emotions... i get taken by fuckin surprise sometimes. today, "to be alone with you" is killing me...
I'd swim across lake Michigan
I'd sell my shoes
I'd give my body to be back again
In the rest of the room
To be alone with you
To be alone with you
To be alone with you
To be alone with you
You gave your body to the lonely
They took your clothes
You gave up a wife and a family
You gave your goals
To be alone with me
To be alone with me
To be alone with me
You went up on a tree
To be alone with me you went up on the tree
I'll never know the man who loved me
wow. sigh...
Currently listening: Seven Swans By Sufjan Stevens |
syzygy part vii
i found an article that described a crime. a man had held a woman at gunpoint at a drive-thru ATM and demanded all her money. she took out $300 and he gave her back $20, explaining he didn't want to leave her with nothing. he then explained that he was going to take her car and that it would be down the road in a parking lot and her purse and everything inside would be untouched and he promised not to damage anything. the article continued to say that the car was found unharmed, right where he said it would be. a few days later the SWAT team had mike's mom's house surrounded and he tried to run, but they caught him, charged him with the robbery and he was sentenced to 9 years in a max. security state prison.
i read it again. 9 years.
horrified, i didn't know what to think. a million questions ran through my head: why would he do this? what would drive such a kind, gentle soul to do something so terrible? why did he need that money so bad? had he spent his millions already? why did he need her car if he has 4? did he sell those to buy heroin? did he spend his inheritance on heroin? has he done that many fucking drugs? is he even alive? he must have gone through withdrawals in county lockup, did he survive it with his weakened heart? please tell me he survived it. please tell me he survived it. please tell me he's alive...
i searched some more and i found his lawyer. i wrote to his lawyer and asked where mike was. i never got a response. i tried to lookup court records and all i found was traffic violation after traffic violation. i tried to find his mom's number, i tried to find his brother's number, i tried to find his girlfriend's number, but to no avail. finally i found the inmate database on the ohio department of corrections web site and i searched for him. i found him. i found which state prison he was in and i found out that at least at the time of the last database update, he was still alive. i also found a picture of him, something i hadn't seen in 3 years.
i called the prison and asked how to write to him and they gave me the address. then i spent about a week starting letters and trashing them, starting letters and trashing them. i finally sent one off that gave him shit for what he did but also told him that i love him no matter what.
i waited and i waited and i waited. i cried myself to sleep and poor john had to listen to all my stories and hold me as i cried, i could NOT have asked for more support from john - he was incredible in a situation where most men would be angry and jealous. he understood a friendship so odd and unbelievable. he even went so far as to tell me that he thought mike sounded like a great guy and he would like very much to meet him one day. he made me feel nothing but better when i spoke to him about mike and i don't think i would have kept my sanity if it weren't for him.
but he got tired too. it was draining both of us, waiting and waiting and waiting for a response. i talked endlessly of what i would do if there was a letter from him in the mail each day. i would choke back tears when there wasn't. i dreamed about him, i thought about him, i talked about him.
my birthday passed and i was angry. i was sad. no one knew i was angry and sad but i was. john knew, because i broke down crying. and in the middle of my teary crash, my brother called from london, he'd been away for 15 months in australia and then back for one month and gone again to europe. and in the middle of my meltdown he called to tell me he was coming home and i was happy about that but still i cried. i cried for mike. i didn't think i would hear from him. i didn't think he was ok. i didn't think he was going to contact me even if he was. i thought he took to absolute heart what i had said, leave me alone mike, i can't deal with this.
but he didn't and as the end of the summer neared i went out to check the mail and with my mom there and my dad there and john was there, i found a letter from mike and tears spilled from my eyes. it was the first time ever i had received a handwritten letter from him, it was always email, always digital, always cold and inhuman and now here i was holding a piece of paper that he himself had held not one week earlier and i read it and he was ok, in spite of being in prison he was ok. and i cried and i cried and i cried. mike was alive, healthy, clean and writing to me about his life on the inside, about writing about reading about going back to school and playing in a band and doing healthy things and good things and things that would seem almost impossible in the place he was in.
to be continued...
Labels: mike
syzygy part vi
think about the person you love most in this world. think about your best friend, your brother, your sister, your significant other. think about how it might feel if after a long absence from your life you hear that the person you love most in this world, the person who knows you the most and the person you know the most, has become addicted to heroin, is getting in trouble with the law and before they've even cleared their teens, has suffered a heart attack. then think about them disappearing again. armed only with that knowledge, that they're on drugs and on the verge of certain death, imagine that person disappearing from your life without a trace, without a word. at your request, which, upon immediate reflection, you wish more than anything you could take back.
i was a wreck. i was falling apart. i didn't know how to deal with it and i was afraid to express anything to john, as the last time i ever expressed this much concern and caring and love for mike to my significant other, i ended up with a broken nose, a dented car, a divorce and a baby that would never be born. i made it seem as though i was disgusted with mike. i kept it to myself. i missed him so much. i longed for those never ending nights when we'd lie in bed on the phone and he'd sing silly songs to me like outkast's rosa parks and honky's ladder by the afghan whigs and crackity jones by the pixies. when he'd crack sarcastic jokes and we'd have laughing fits until our stomachs hurt. and we'd talk about spirituality and mysticism and scare ourselves half to death with talk of the supernatural. i missed the times we'd fall asleep and listen to one another's music playing in the background... blonde redhead, cat power, sonic youth or simply to the sound of each other's breathing. i missed being his best friend. i missed him being mine.
almost immediately after telling him to leave me alone i regretted it. i emailed him. i paged him. i called him. i never heard back. i kept trying anyway, until the emails bounced back and the phone number was out of service and the pager number was out of service. i started to die inside. i lost all my motivation. i dropped out of school and got endless dead end jobs. i started drinking a lot and then i started fucking around with the drugs again. i began to be irritated by john cause he wasn't mike and all i ever needed in my life was mike. i thought about him all the time. every night as my head hit my pillow, every morning when i woke up, when i ate when i watched movies when i fucked. mike mike mike. i was filled with a paralyzing, agonizing terror that he was dead. it's all that i could think about and i became an entirely different person with no energy, no will to do anything but watch tv. i tried and i tried and i tried to get him out of my head and i never could.
as the 3 years progressed i learned to live with my fear of him being dead and i managed to pull together my own business. i was still unhappy, i was still completely wrecked inside, but no one knew. no one understood. the simple fact that i had never met mike made people think my friendship with him meant nothing. i thought how odd that must be, to be someone so shallow and closed-minded that they think that a person who made me fix my life and made me laugh so much and made me love myself and feel so many fucking wonderful things should mean nothing to me simply because i'd never met him. and add to that the fact that the guy was a junkie and you've got yourself a room full of friends who roll their eyes at one single mention of him. so i kept it to myself. i was so terrified every day. and i kept it to myself. every night as i fell asleep i'd silently spell out "m-i-k-e" with my finger on the sheet below my pillow and it would send me into dreams that made me feel better than anything in real life had. i would have this recurring dream, and still do actually, of him simply hugging me. and nothing had ever felt so good.
as my business grew, i needed to learn new things and became quite familiar with the different features of google. i started to google people i knew just for fun and signed up for google alerts. i googled mike about a million times and put his name as one of the keywords for google alerts. nothing came up for so long. i figured that was a good sign because if he was dead there would have been an obituary somewhere. so i kept googling and googling... part of what drove it was guilt, too. he had stuck by me through so many hard times and so much stupid shit i did. he was always, always there when i needed him and then when he needed me i ditched him. so i googled and googled and googled and finally, FINALLY, one day i got a result. but it was far from good news.
to be continued...
Labels: mike
syzygy part v
there was this beautiful moment. mike said he wouldn't find jeremy and hurt him. he told me to turn on nightswimming by REM. he mumbled along, and filling my heart with a joy i hadn't known for 2 years, whispered, "court. i have a hug ache..." silence falls as my computer's cd rom stalls in the middle of nightswimming. i can only hear him breath, and he says softly, "i love you." and then my rom kicks back in:
"And what if there were two
Side by side in orbit
Around the fairest sun?"
and with that, he was back in my life. he called almost daily, it was like nothing had happened, no time had passed. we would talk about endless silly shit until the later hours of the morning, all night without sleep and i'd drive to pick up my brother from school grinning like a jackass, eager and anxious to get back on the phone and tell mike how much smiling i'd done all day because of him. i felt foolish, i felt simple, i felt so fucking good. i started to think maybe my life was worth more than i'd believed before. i started to have dreams again. i watched shows on TLC about treasure hunters, marine archaeologists and i read endless mystical books by tom robbins. i found myself needing more out of life than to just get by. so i applied to college. the day i was accepted, it was about a week before mike's birthday and although this college accepts pretty much anyone, i was ecstatic. it represented so much good. it represented a complete 180 in my life and i was thrilled. i sent mike a necklace. they came in a pair, two chinese characters meaning friendship. i kept one and sent him the other for his birthday. i still have mine and have worn it in spite of so many broken chains. it's fucking cheesy but you find yourself at a loss when someone has done so much for you and all you want to do is say thank you.
i started to look for jobs so i could move out and eventually found one at the airport. i moved out with my cousin jessica and kept talking to mike on the phone all the time. he was getting hassled a lot by his mom because the phone bills were so huge but we didn't think it would be a big deal because he was getting an inheritance worth over a million fairly soon. so we kept talking. all night, every night, and when we weren't talking, we'd email each other, ridiculously goofy, happy-go-lucky stuff that served as my reason to wake up every morning, my reason to stay in every night instead of out drinking, my reason to stay off the drugs. mike was my drug. a powerful, positive, encouraging drug that made me do things i never thought i would ever be capable of doing.
a year passed like this and then i started to go to school. i couldn't talk to mike as much because i had classes at 8am somedays. he got his inheritance and with it came loads of new friends and a girlfriend. he bought a fleet of cars and rolled them all. mustangs with nitrous, SHOs, xterras, maximas. he wrecked them all and every time he'd call me and say there'd been an accident and he was fine. he was always fine.
but then his calls started to dwindle and so did his emails. he still called, he just didn't seem as eager to. and when he did call, i would answer and he would just go off on these ridiculous stories, all true, but ridiculous nonetheless. like the time he called me, audibly shaken, after having some guy shove a gun in his face. he would just ramble off about how all the cops in his town were out to get him because he was a young guy with so much money. he'd tell me endless stories about being drunk, stoned, fucked up and in trouble. getting in fights and car accidents.
then he disappeared.
i would email him and call him and page him endlessly. i was so worried. i was pissed off, too. there was nothing i could do. i tried to put it out of my mind and that's when i met john. john and i fell in love pretty quick and he moved in with me. he knew of mike, he knew how much mike meant to me, so when mike finally did call, john had no problem with it. but what mike had to say after being gone for almost another year was heartbreaking. i could barely keep myself from breaking down and crying while he told me about his heroin addiction and how when he'd tried to kick, he had a heart attack and had been in the hospital for some time. he wasn't even 20 yet and he'd had a heart attack. he was talking about all of this so calmly and i asked, "what about now mike, what are you doing now?" and he said he was on heroin again. i got so upset, i was so angry with him. everything he'd told me, all the help he'd given me to get through my addiction to over the counter drugs was all bullshit i thought. here he is, doing fucking heroin and talking about the fact that he'd already had a heart attack. i was so mad at him and i lost control and i told him to leave me alone. and he did. for 3 years.
to be continued...
Labels: mike
the halls don't work
all halls do is make you unable to taste anything for a half an hour and fill your mouth with so much sugar that your teeth literally feel as though they're rotting at 3000 times the speed teeth actually rot. and all you wanna do is fucking sleep through this nightmare of swollen sinuses, runny nose, deafness and the thumping cranial house party going on in your skull, but noooo you took halls and they fucking pumped you so full of sugar you're going to be awake until the united states of america vote in someone with less bloodlust than hitler on steroids. which of course in an idefinite amount of time... and lets face it, even if it did, the bloodlusting-hitler-wannabe would rig it in his favour anyway. bottom line is, i need to brush my teeth, and sleep. g'night fuckers.
be still my heart
my little jailbird sent me some love today:
hey there kiddo, i've been thinking about you a lot lately (holidays *sigh*) and miss talking to you. i woke up this morning after dreaming about you all night and at least had to get a little note or card to you to let you know i'm thinking about you, missing you and that i love you, always. you don't even know how much you mean to me and how much strength you give me everyday. your voice, your letters and your beautiful face keep me going and give me something to look forward to everyday. thank you court, for everything. i love you so much
Currently listening: The Sophtware Slump By Grandaddy |
Labels: mike
new jersey suspends executions - yet another blue state takes the high, humane road of progress.
Currently listening: Madonna By And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead |
fate. i'm not sure how to explain what i believe about fate. the best i can do is say that i don't believe entirely in fate, although i do accept that there are some people/things that are meant to be in one's life. this isn't a conclusion i would have come to had i been given a choice.
for example. i have this friend who up until two years ago, was just someone i knew of. our lives ran parallel to each other's. when we finally did become friends and discussed our lives with each other, we realized we shared a lot of things. she grew up in my best friend's housing co-op, she had the same teachers as i did, she worked with my cousin on a couple of television shows, her significant other went to school with my other cousin, his uncle was building the condos in panama that my parents were looking to buy, he worked with my ex at sportmart and sold us our rollerblades prior to my ex ever working there, and to top it all off, 10 years after the fact, we realized he and i were both extras in happy gilmore and a frame by frame search revealed we were seperated in the crowd by one man. this is maybe 10% of all the synchronicities we have come up with and it's actually quite frightening to realize that your entire life until this point has been lived almost parallel to another's without your knowing. it definitely goes beyond coincidence. i was meant to know these people.
even more unreal, are the synchronicities i share with michael. we are 3000 miles apart and prior to his incarceration, we talked more than i've ever talked to anyone on this planet. when i cried, the phone would ring and all i would hear is, "what's the matter, court?". there would be times we would discuss books and realize we were both reading the same book, and sometimes on the same page or chapter. we'd call each other and say, "i just read the coolest thing" and the other would say, "me too!". often we would call each other at the same time and get busy signals. we would email at the same time, almost the exact same thoughts and it got to the point where i was getting a little insane and actually thought that if i tried to think about it hard enough, i could telepathically get him to call. of course, that never worked, but i'd just have to shed a single tear and somehow, that always seemed to be when he did call.
about 3 days after i found out he went to jail, i came home from a family function, just a little exhausted from all their "everything is perfect and i'm making a million dollars" competitive family bullshit. i checked the digital cable guide and found a documentary called "death row dogs" about prison inmates training dogs and about halfway through it, realized it was filmed in ohio and then a little while later they told us it was filmed at mansfield correctional institution, where mike is. what the fuck are the odds on that?
so anyway, many synchronicities later, last night i borrowed the shawshank redemption from my folks and watched it for the fourtieth time, and the curiosity hit me, is there really a shawshank state prison somewhere? so i searched for it and found out it wasn't a real prison, but it was all filmed at the mansfield reformatory. and that's where mike would be if the new prison wasn't built. sigh. and during my reading, i come across: Backowski.htmthe woman worked on both the doc and shawshank. with the puppies.
sometimes you just have to accept what's being shoved in your face all the time. having a friend in jail sucks an asshole or two, but what the fuck choice do i have?
Labels: mike
oh dave... my hero
by the way, a little while ago i saw bill o'reilly on letterman and letterman just tore into him and made him look like the biggest ass. sooooo worth the watch, check it out go here and click on the o'reilly clip:
and just a small quote from jon stewart that just about made me die laughing: STEWART: If Bill O'Reilly needs to have an enemy, needs to feel persecuted, you know what? Here's my Kwanzaa gift to him. Are you ready? All right. I'm your enemy. Make me your enemy. I, Jon Stewart, hate Christmas, Christians, Jews, morality, and I will not rest until every year families gather to spend December 25th together at Osama's homo-abortion-pot-and-commie-jizzporium.
fucking hilarious
He thought it would be fun if he and a bunch of his co-workers got in a circle and all dipped their Johnsons in whatever they were drinking and then torched their zamboners to watch the alcohol burn off while they each finished their neighbor's drink. Whoever finished his drink before his Wilbur burnt out was the winner. Madelyn, the woman salesperson, would declare the winner.
Madelyn declined the judgeship, and none of the other salesmen were willing to set their Johnsons on fire, but that didn't stop Damien. He said if everyone else was going to be a pussy about this, he'd just have to go it alone. So he talked one of the other guys into holding the match while he dropped his pants, wet his Whanger in his Martini, and then tried to chug his drink while his Fuzzbuster went up in flames.
He hadn't counted on his gonads getting in the way. They got singed, Damien had to be taken to the local ER, and management of the Hotel/Restaurant wants our salespeople to find another place for their annual party next year. It seems that the screams from Damien's party disturbed other patrons who were curious about the grown man walking through the lobby with his pants around his ankles while he was clutching his bar-b-qued Package.
Whether or not my partner likes it, Damien is getting the heave-ho today. He and his roasted chestnuts can represent some other company.
Currently listening: Thriller By Michael Jackson |
this is HUGE
Did Virginia execute an innocent man? - With less than two weeks left in Gov. Mark R. Warner's term, time is running out for him to arrange DNA testing that could determine whether Virginia sent an innocent man to the electric chair in 1992.
If the tests show Roger Keith Coleman did not rape and murder his sister-in-law in 1981, it will mark the first time in the United States an executed person has been scientifically proved innocent, say death penalty opponents, who are keenly aware that such a result could have a powerful effect on public opinion.
holy fuck! it might actually be proven that innocent men are executed in the united states of america. yes, that's right yanks, your justice system just might be fallible. this could change so many people's minds about the death penalty. there have been so many innocent men exonerated from death row, but capital punishment supporters always use this as evidence that the system works (in my opinion, any system that takes away decades of a man's life, doesn't work, but whatever). to quote the life of david gale, "near martyrs don't count". this could prove the fucking system doesn't work, this man's death may not have been in vain.
A Gallup poll in October found that 64 percent of Americans support the death penalty. That is the lowest level in 27 years, down from a high of 80 percent in 1994.
these tests could lower it even more...
prediction: the tests are conducted and the result is inconclusive due to tampering.
and a sidenote... wasn't this guy in a city confidential? i vaguely recall watching it and thinking that their evidence was questionable.