for canucks on voting day
before you go out and vote, remember that each and every vote counts towards funding the next time around for that party. so if you wanna vote green but think it's throwing away a vote, think again.
besides, it's irresponsible as a voter in a democracy to vote for a party you don't want to win. that's what's making the whole system go astray... if each and every one of you who said they wanted to vote one way but are going to another way because there are "only two real options", actually voted for who you wanted in power, tomorrow would be a whole different election than what the polls predict.
whatever the fuck you do though, DO NOT, and i repeat, DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES VOTE CONSERVATIVE. the man is hitler. and don't scoff at that, slowly but surely he will remove the freedoms we enjoy and we'll turn into the united states of america jr. fighting wars, and having our kids come home in body bags for oil and money and power. bush likes him, isn't that enough??
remember, a large portion of german jews voted for hitler... he made a great case and put on a great campaign and he appealed to the masses, but if they had looked, for just a few moments to some of the questions that lurk behind every politician, we might have been spared the second world war.
what questions are out there regarding stephen harper?
all politicians lie, what is stephen harper lying about?
is the threat of another jewel theft scandal really more dangerous than sending our citizens into iraq, an openly admitted mistake, just like vietnam? is it more dangerous than having legalized same sex marriage revoked? is it more dangerous than losing our right to chooose what happens within our own bodies? is it more dangerous than having a wall thrown up so that all your friends and family from other countries can no longer immigrate here? is it more dangerous than losing the ability to be treated in an emergency room without presenting your fucking aeroplan gold visa? is it more dangerous than losing more and more of our hard working teachers, and making our children suffer? is it more dangerous than losing social programs that help eliminate homelessness and the spread of HIV? is it more dangerous than all of you going to prison for having a roach in your car's ashtray (odds are, 90% of you british columbians reading this have some form of marijuana pariphernalia floating around your house or car)? no, it's not more dangerous. i'd take a jewel theif and higher taxes any day over this uber-right-wing religious fanatic who's only platform is to shove his nose right up george w. bush's tight, white asshole.
just think about the unknowns. if you think these points are scary, think about all of those things stephen harper is going to do to our great country that we've yet to even hear about... hitler never told his voters that he was going to attempt to slaughter an entire race before they voted, stephen harper ain't about to leak his scariness either. you may think you know all you need to know, but they always lie, always. just think, what could harper possibly be lying about...
3 must reads, prior to voting:
please don't fuck our country. vote wisely.
Currently listening: Be Careful How You Vote By Sunnyland Slim |
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