
zodiac... ZODIAC

alright. so. not only has there been a movie made of the most incredibly haunting and bewilderingly fascinating unsolved case of serial killing in american history, but they went ahead and cast jake gyllenhaal, mark ruffalo and robert downey jr in. said. movie. jingle motherfucking bells ladies and gentlemen, christmas has returned! let's just hope they do it well...

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anger blog

new blog title.

inamorato : hasn't really been fitting for quite some time now

accept, regroup, move on.


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Apparently, a number of Konami slot machines flashed "winning jackpot symbols" for a fifth of a second every so often, purportedly giving players "subliminal messages" that would keep them chucking away coins for longer periods of time.

Konami slot machines pulled for subliminal messaging - Engadget

i'm gonna go way out on a limb here... ISN'T EVERYTHING in a casino some form of this type of subliminal messaging or psychological manipulation, from the pattern of the carpet to the lack of windows keeping you from knowing what time it is? in any case, i hardly think a couple of flashed images is the reason all the slot jockeys can't get off the stool.

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the trouble with blogs

is that they all seem to be written by assholes.

every second blog starts like this:

"sorry i haven't been posting, i've been really busy, my holidays were good..."

such rancid arrogance that anyone even gives a shit.

the best part is when they have one of those free trackers and you can see they've had two hits in the last week and not a single comment ever. who exactly are they talking to? who are they telling about their holidays? i mean, even when i wrote in a paper journal i didn't say shit like that. "hi, umm, the consciousness that i like to believe exists in the molecular make-up of this book, just wanted to say sorry i haven't written in you much - work's been quite hectic! but uhhh, you might like to know, i cut my hair and ummm, last night i made the most delicious potatoes. well, catch you later, take care!" porquoi??

that's the problem with freedom of speech. idiots get to yap too.

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"My area is multi-ethnic AND up and coming"

--Philby bradlaugh, United Kingdom

"Said the man with rose-tinted spectacles on! Reminds me of the man who having jumped off a 52 story building was heard to have said halfway down, "so far so good!!""

--Twelve foot Snowman, London, United Kingdom
News Sniffer

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glenn kotche! rocks! my! world!

i saw glenn kotche with nels cline at richards last night and i just don't even know where to begin. i went because when i saw wilco in calgary and edmonton last year i was pretty impressed watching nels cline. plus i remember an ex of mine who played guitar (pick an ex, any ex, they all played guitar) use to ramble about nels cline. so i went to see nels cline. i was NOT expecting glenn kotche to be so fucking mind-blowing. nels was great and all but glenn kotche came out, sat down, and made an orchestra happen on a set of drums. i sent this text to Gaz, my partner in crime:

i was in absolute awe. after the show i bought his cd off him and asked him to sign it:

the album is good, but it is nothing in comparison to watching him smack stuff with sticks live. nothing. GREAT SHOW.

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the steve jobs school rant and rebuttal

Steve Jobs makes a lot of sense when he's talking about music and
copyright protection, but when the topic is schools, he seems to be on
a different planet.

The teachers' unions, Jobs believes, are ruining America's schools because they prevent bad teachers from being fired.

"I believe that what is wrong with our schools in this nation is that they
have become unionized in the worst possible way," the Apple CEO told a
school-reform conference in Texas on Saturday. "This unionization and
lifetime employment of K-12 teachers is off-the-charts crazy."

Jobs knows a lot about schools; he's been selling computers to them for more
than 30 years. But don't you love it when a billionaire who sends his
own kids to private school applies half-baked business platitudes to
complex problems like schools? I'm surprised Jobs didn't suggest we
outsource education to the same nonunion Chinese factories that build
his iPods.
Wired News: Steve Jobs, Proud to Be Nonunion

ok, i dunno where this effin' methead, leander kahney came from writin' for wired news all high and mighty like he understands what the fuck jobs means, but whatever, here's reality:

i knew a boy who was thrown into a mirror in the men's washroom of our elementary school by a teacher. a bc teacher named MR. PORTER. anyway, this boy was 11 or 12 years old at the time and the mirror smashed. i can't remember if the kid was injured or not, but that's beside the point. breaking a mirror with a human being can lead to death and that's all we need to know.

what happened to mr. porter? nothing. why? because of the teacher's union. they protected him from being punished in any way.

not to mention being the daughter of a BCTF teacher, sometimes money was tight but the almost yearly strikes by BCTF made my mother lose money on the days she couldn't attend school because she couldn't cross the picket line. she got strike pay. do you know how hard it is to feed a family on strike pay?

this is good? what a sadistic pile of shit kahney is... he goes on to say:
The solution, Jobs believes, is to treat schools like businesses: Empower the principal to fire bad teachers like a CEO.

"What kind of person could you get to run a small business if you
told them that when they came in they couldn't get rid of people that
they thought weren't any good?" he said.

The issues are many and complex, and yes, there is a problem with
firing incompetent or indifferent teachers, but it is not the No. 1
reason schools are failing. It's not even in the top 10.

In California, the most pressing problems are schools that are too
big, too bureaucratic and chronically under-funded. Teachers are
criminally low paid and under-trained. Education -- and school funding
-- has become solely about test scores.

so? medicare is also chronically under-funded but would you avoid firing incompetent doctors because of that? would you allow your child to be examined by a doctor who's been plagued with malpractice suits? what about a doctor wearing his shoes on the wrong feet? would you feel comfortable leaving your child alone in a room with him? i most certainly would not.

i am in total agreement with steve jobs, and not just cause the man's genius innovative mind gives me a femboner. he's simply RIGHT. teachers should be dismissable. you wouldn't let some half-baked dickwad babysit your kids, would you? so why settle for less than the best watching them at school?

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drummer john: we had an old guy who used to work here...
vlu77: fuck
vlu77: seriously?
vlu77: thats hilarious.
drummer john: and he signed up for a pot luck lunch saying he was going to bring "chile"
vlu77: musta been heavy
drummer john: so i nicknamed it "bo's voodoo chile"
drummer john: he still thought he spelled chilli
vlu77: thats like when mr. and mrs. esiason named their kid
vlu77: BOOMER
drummer john: yeah totaly like that except completely different
vlu77: http://www.boomeresiason.com/
vlu77: betta reckonize.
vlu77: ohhh? did someone say BOOOOMER??
vlu77: *screams* aggghhhhhhhhhhh
drummer john: he's gay isn't he?
vlu77: how the fuck would i know into which orifice boomer esiason shoves his wang?
vlu77: mrs. esiason: oh hey honey, ya done knowcked me up
vlu77: mr. esiason: oh yeah? we're prego? SWEET SHIT MAH BITCH!
vlu77: mrs. esiason: so, i'm thinkin' if it's a boy we should name him BOOMER, and if it's a girl, we should name her...

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freaking amazing video

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well, now, wouldn't jeezy be proud?

A Romanian priest has been jailed for 14 years for conducting an exorcism that led to the death of a nun who he believed was possessed by devils.
BBC NEWS | Europe | Priest jailed for exorcism death

how does an exorcism cause death?
Irina Cornici, 23, died after being starved and chained to a cross at a secluded convent in the north-east.
In 1999, when the Vatican issued its first new guidelines since 1614 for driving out devils, it urged priests to take modern psychiatry into account in deciding who should be exorcised.

right. and *i'm* crazy for worshiping nature.

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the war on bling

Senator John Sabini is a source of the reintroduction of a bill (S.B. 1640) that would ban "spinners,"

New York takes a second look at banning spinners - Engadget

guns: cool. knives: sweet! ROCKET LAUNCHERS: ain't no thang! but spinners? oh, hell, no.

i say we ban super super hot people from driving, they're far more distracting to me than spinning wheels...

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introducing team retardo


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fear mongering hits an all-time low

It's probably the last thing most people think about when buying roses
— by the time the bright, velvety flowers reach your Valentine, they
will have been sprayed, rinsed and dipped in a battery of potentially
lethal chemicals.

Toxins Likey in Valentine Roses - TIME

it's official. everything will kill you. might as well just do yourself in.

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the yankee-doodle dandy department of death

The U.S. Justice Department is defending the practice of seeking the
death penalty in jurisdictions such as the District where local law
bars capital punishment, including in the ongoing trial of a D.C. man
accused of being an enforcer for a violent drug gang.

Justice defends death penalty

MORE. KILLING. it's the only thing that'll fix us.

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the killing manual

An Associated Press investigation of Tennessee's "Manual for Execution"
found that the guide for lethal injections contains conflicting
instructions and mixes new procedures with old guidelines for carrying
out electrocutions.

Tennessee Execution Manual Found to be Full of Errors

yuh. error #1: executing people.

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Australian PM John Howard has criticised US presidential hopeful Barack
Obama for saying US troops should withdraw from Iraq next year.

BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | Australia PM blasts US candidate

and with that, i wash my hands of australia.

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a terribly odd post from the NCADP

Courtesy of today's Washington Post, here's where Barack Obama stands on the death penalty. In a nutshell: He's pro-death penalty but he is also pro-let's not execute the wrong guy.

Abolish the Death Penalty: Barack Obama and the death penalty

the post goes on to talk about how obama pushed for mandatory videotaping of interrogations. i found the whole thing a little bit absurd and posted this comment:

while obama's work you've outlined here is great and all, we all know that there is no fool proof way to make sure the wrong man doesn't go to death row except abolishing the death penalty, so obama's actions feel almost like a vain attempt at winning votes on both sides of the death penalty debate. let's not find ourselves had by another sweet-talker.

a similar article on another possible candidate, wes clark: http://www.talkleft.com/story/2003/11/24/425/03288
the whole thing whiffs like the NCADP is aching to support obama, and i don't blame them, he's a fucking superstar and could possibly be the first african american president and that means PROGRESS, right? i feel the same way about wes clark. i want to support wes clark but there are some things that just simply are not ok with me. killing people, under any circumstance, is one of them. whether you're female, black, hispanic or mildly-retarded like bushy-boy.

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insomnia invades ichat

vlu77: i feel like spinning

vlu77: when i was a kid my parents belonged to this squash club

vlu77: and they used to take me when they'd play squash

vlu77: the only thing to do as a kid there was either watch the squash game (YAK) or hang out in the kid's room which consisted of four colored chairs and not much else

vlu77: so i would take the chairs apart, the plastic molded seat separated from the metal legs

vlu77: and stick the seat on the ground and rock back and forth in it

gaz: haha YES i used to do that with the chairs at school

vlu77: or i would find an empty squash court, stand in the middle, look up at the people in the bar windows peering down and spin until i fell, get up and spin til i fall again, and spin, fall, spin, fall - my hair would be like an umbrella of blonde

gaz: :)

vlu77: oddly, i was pretending i was a merry go round and every time i fell down the kids had to get off the ride so new kids could have a chance

gaz: haha

vlu77: i had a similar issue while listening to the police, the band

vlu77: my dad used to order records and cassettes from a catalogue and he'd let me pick. i'd always pick the police

vlu77: when the tape or record came in the mail, he'd put it on in our living room and i'd get under the glass coffee table, lie on my back, hold the cross bars of the table and whip my head back and forth on the floor

vlu77: this is how i enjoyed the police.

gaz: that's fantastic

vlu77: it really was

vlu77: it gave me a rush

vlu77: i imagined thats what sting did when he recorded his vocals

vlu77: i was the strange kid

vlu77: always doing weird ass crap on her own

vlu77: funny thing is, everyone would follow me and do the same weird ass crap

vlu77: like once i found this massive pile of stones that you could easily grind into a powder

vlu77: so i decided i was going to see how much powder i could make

vlu77: before you knew it, the entire neighbourhood of kids was grinding these stones for weeks like a fad

vlu77: and i just watched them and was like, "k, can we play capture the flag now, grinding stones is soooooo last week"

gaz: :)

poor gareth... insomnia drives me to YAP.

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the eternal embrace

Together forever

Prehistoric couple embrace for eternity - Los Angeles Times

near verona, where civil blood makes civil hands unclean from forth the fatal loins of these two foes a pair of star-cross’d lovers take their life...

the universe is fantastic.

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so, it didn't work

i don't want to talk about it.

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oh, and PS

holy shit holy shit holy shit holy shit holy shit

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it worked last time!

i'm a bit superstitious when it comes to sports and since last time i did this, the bears kicked ASS, here we must go again:

our father,
who art in chicago
football be thy game
the kingdom come
the super bowl's to be won
on earth as it is in soldier field
give us this day a SUPER BOWL victory
and forgive us our penalties
as we defeat those who play against us
but lead us into a victory
and deliver the SUPER BOWL TO US

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ummm. even if i hadn't drank about as much beer as the city of richmond consumes in a year last night before 10pm, i'd still be in a state near catatonia.


uhh, pretty much because, ummm, it's ONE DAYS TWO HOURS TWENTY-ONE MINUTES and TWENTY-ONE SECONDS until the SUPER BOWL. holy shit.


this is the conversation i'm capable of in such a state:

mysterious british man: i'm feeling lazy. i'm going to put a pizza in the oven.
vlu77: maybe you ARE a pizza in the oven, ever think of that?
mysterious british man: oh, all the time
vlu77: i'm sure
mysterious british man: i'd be mad not to
vlu77: exactly


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