
the trouble with blogs

is that they all seem to be written by assholes.

every second blog starts like this:

"sorry i haven't been posting, i've been really busy, my holidays were good..."

such rancid arrogance that anyone even gives a shit.

the best part is when they have one of those free trackers and you can see they've had two hits in the last week and not a single comment ever. who exactly are they talking to? who are they telling about their holidays? i mean, even when i wrote in a paper journal i didn't say shit like that. "hi, umm, the consciousness that i like to believe exists in the molecular make-up of this book, just wanted to say sorry i haven't written in you much - work's been quite hectic! but uhhh, you might like to know, i cut my hair and ummm, last night i made the most delicious potatoes. well, catch you later, take care!" porquoi??

that's the problem with freedom of speech. idiots get to yap too.

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Prison Blog - genpop.org

6 comment(s):

That's kinda a bitchy thing in its self to say isn't it? That people can't say whatever they want... Big deal. If you have a blog do what the hell you want with it. Its personal. Why attack others? Live and let live yadda yadda.Especially if is doesn't effect you personally. You're letting yourself open to personal attack. You may ask why Im even commenting? Becuase you're letting me. Freedom of speach is fantastic!

By Blogger Desiree, at 26.2.07  

this post was by no means a personal attack on anyone... i just get off on sarcastic rants about inconsequential bullshit.

By Blogger Courtney, at 26.2.07  

It seemed to me like you were attacking people who you think are idiotic for the things they say. I just thought it was amusing becuase all blogs are filled with total bullshit. Some bullshit I find more interesting then others but whatever.
Anyway...thanks for the adrenaline rush.

By Blogger Desiree, at 26.2.07  

hah! quite the compliment, thank you :)

By Blogger Courtney, at 26.2.07  

Who [b]isn't[/b] an idiot?

I think some people are desperate to share their thoughts, and they wish that they had readers with which to share them.

By Blogger Dave J., at 27.2.07  

no doubt about that, i'm one of those idiots :)

By Blogger Courtney, at 27.2.07  

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