

i've been fairly busy looking for a new place and shit, here in playa, plus some new work and the internet never seems to fucking work in this town. so i haven't posted. but boy has shit changed. first off, my ex-boyfriend and roommate from home and i decided it was far too hard for us to live apart and started talking about getting married and having babies and right around that time i realized i was pregnant (that's fuckin' quantum field theory for you) and, since it's his of course, we're going to get married. he will be here permanently on monday and we're going to get married on july the 7th. of course, 7/7.

i am finding playa to be a little rough around the edges, the infrastructure is not what i am used to. it takes 3 months for any utility to hook you up, especially internet. you have to find the internet service provider trucks on the street and bribe them to get internet installed anywhere. even then it takes forever. no one here seems to operate within the actual realm of time, which in a way is cool, having such a laid back atmosphere, but when your entire livlihood is made on the internet, it can get, well, terrifying. right now i have moved into a brand new luxury condo (will post pics when drummer john gets here monday with my camera's usb cord) and i've been here since last saturday and still no internet. cablemas says it will take a month to even just sign up, so we've bribed a telmex driver we know to install. he was supposed to be here yesterday at 4pm. still no sign of him. it's like no one here has respect for anyone else's time. every last person in this town except me is late for everything. and when you go to walmart you figure out why. everyone is there standing in front of everything you want to buy, hmmming and hawwwing over whether or not to buy that item for a half a freaking hour. a quick trip to the supermarket turns into an all-day ordeal and then you can't get anything else done that day. literally nothing here works properly. the water goes out, the electricity goes out, the gas goes out, the internet goes out, it's a toss up whether or not youre going to have cell signal each day, you cant get a doggy bag in any restaurant to save your life, the traffic lights resemble epileptic torture machines, THERE ARE NO LEMONS, and the food here has less taste than tofu mixed with tofu with tofu on top. you can't even grocery shop for decent food. it's all mild, mild, mild processed cheeses and crema. i bought a can of tomato soup the other day and the bitch was actually cream of tomato soup which, in mexico, means rich thick cream, like the fucking soup doesn't pour off your spon, it's more like a fucking chip dip. finding a good salad in this town is either very expensive or impossible, but fuck, you can find half a cow carcass cooked to a leathery consistency for ten fucking pesos anywhere you want. and pork rinds! there is nothing but pork rinds in this town! and you look at all the people who've lived here longer than a year and they are all shaped like juice boxes with legs! i wonder why, all you can fucking eat here is cream, cheese and deep fried pork skins. bah. not for me. i'm joining costco in cancun which has real food, like real mozzarella, and lemons, and tomato soup that won't cause a stroke.

but, this place is still winning over vancouver. why? 1). when it rains, it rains for ten minutes and it's welcomed, refreshing. 2) the beaches here are a little slice of heaven. 3) there is never any chance of snow 4) we can swim in the natural bodies of water here without fear of hypothermia or growing a third ear. and finally, 5) my doctor here is the bomb shizzle, gives me way more attention than any canadian doctor would and costs a third of what any american doctor would in his brand new state-of-the-art hospital where i never, ever have to wait to see him. he gave me my first ultrasound when i was just 5 or 6 weeks pregnant and has on every visit since, even putting my pics on a cd for me so i can email them home, or post them to my blog. and as such, everyone meet brady or emily:

see the tiny little hand? can you fucking believe that? anyway, the next appointment at the end of march should determine whether it will be brady or emily and he/she is due august 28th. so yes, i will be massive on my wedding day, but i don't care. how many kids can say they were there when their folks got married, huh? and yes, brady is after brady quinn, the #10 hot-ass quarterback for the browns, who i hope, very much, to see play this season. as john says, the browns are going to the fucking show. especially with all their new acquisitions. i am excited, and damn mike for making me a browns fan, because now i'm going to have to figure out how the hell to get nfl sunday ticket in this slow ass town by the time the season rolls around.

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