so i'm a terrorist... sigh, when do we get the membership cards?
"Here's an article about bill HR 6166, the "Military Commissions Act of 2006" which recently passed in Congress. At first the bill seemed to only concrete the ability of Bush to define the Geneva Conventions and allow torture to be used on detainees. But further analysis digs up the fact that it also defines non-allegiance to Bush as an act of terrorism. It then goes on to include the following into the corral of terrorism: vandals, people who fight near "protected buildings", squatters, petty thieves, and anyone "who with intent or reason to believe that it is to be used to the injury of the United States" collects information (such a broad term) "clandestine" means.
What's more, it also prevents the courts from arguing with it, people from bringing the Geneva Conventions into a defense trial, and prevents people held under these terms from receiving any knowledge of the charges against them - preventing any sort of defense. There is so much more and the bill is over 80 pages long.
It's just outrageous to think that one day BoingBoing might even be considered as enemy activity under these new laws."
Boing Boing: A Directory of Wonderful Things
well kids, it's official. i am a terrorist under your new american law.
you know, americans, the more people out there you continue to allow to be legally defined as terrorists, the more people there will be out there who all belong to this "group". at first solely by definition. but you know, human nature is to want to belong, and i hope that by forcing all of these innocent people into this group, kinda like the nerds in high school, that they don't find fraternity in all of this and come after you. YOU are making ALL of us your enemies. not very clever if you ask me.
petty thieves? squatters? you know this sounds familiar right? remember when hitler executed not only jews, but the mentally challenged, the physically disabled? petty thieves? squatters?
it's sad really, to watch your nation crumble, as you cling so desperately to your patriotism, no, nationalism, waving flags and singing anthems, but none of you are willing to stop watching the bachelor long enough to actually invest some time into being a politically active member of what used to be a democracy, and can still be if enough of you did something.
but that's not what is going to happen. you will continue to fall deeper and deeper into the blackness of fascism until none of us will be able to save you anymore. it is said that within 20 years, china's economy will be the most powerful in the world. and you lay in debtful waste spending more and more on your killing sprees. good luck with that. joi gin.
3 comment(s):
Have you read the G.C.? What is the definition of a pow and and enemy combatant
lilfeathers2000, at
yes i have, and yes i know the definitions of those terms. what's your point?
Courtney, at
Some people will argue till they are blue in the face that their beloved Chimperor is a "protector" of freedom, when it couldn't be any clearer that he's far more dangerous than any foreign "turrist."
As for your ponderings? Nah. This country is headed for a Soviet end-it won't last long enough to become a Fascist State.
Anonymous, at
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