"Game sets players the task of blowing up a U.S. tanker in the Gulf to block the sea route for much of the world's oil supplies."Iranian video game targets U.S. tanker
uhhh, so? how many american games feature the tasks of having to blow up, mutilate, kill, maim, and torture characters, equipment and transportation from other countries?
fuckin' yanks. can dish it but they can't take it...
2 comment(s):
Well, not all of us are such hippocrits. I disapprove of violent games myself, no matter what or who they depict. My son thinks I am repressing his creatitvity when I tell him he can't go buy Halo. Oh well.
Coming by through Blogsoldier.
By Dana, at 2.10.06
i know not all of you are. *mutters* i'm hopelessly in love with an american who isn't... grumble grumble grumble
By Courtney, at 2.10.06
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