
as if the weekend hadn't been bad enough

my brother is in thailand, where a coup is underway. a state of emergency has been declared, most tv stations have taken over and are playing only footage of the king and military music, and tanks rolled through the streets of bangkok today. out of concern for my brother, i have been paying close attention to this and i'm still not sure what to make of it because of the different ways each major news channel has been reporting it.

  • the bbc: "so far everything remains calm and peaceful"
  • fox news : "oh my fucking god get the fuck out you're all going to die!!!!!"
  • cnn: "uhh, what? polls indicate bush's approval rating has risen. me me me i i i god bless america baseball hot dog apple pie stars and stripes o say can you seeeeeee"
  • cbc: "there has been little impact on tourists. many cover patios of pubs all over the city, drinking beer... mmmmm... beer"

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