
space - what the fuck not to do when your dude asks for it

i promised myself i would never open a blog post or conversation or anything with, "hey ladies" or "hey girls" because girls and ladies are tools.

so, that leaves me with bitches. this post is for the bitches.

recently the man i love more than anything in the world asked me for a little time and space, and although it sounds funny, being as he's in the joint and 3000 miles away, sometimes space and time aren't always used literally.

my immediate response to his request was to give him what he wanted. why? because i love him, more than anything. i've told him over and over and over, i will do anything for him and that includes leaving him alone.

but when i talked to some of my friends about this, they gave me advice as any good friend would, but it was all so ridiculous.

"keep writing, he didn't say not to write"

"you should write him a thousand letters to prove how much he means to you!"

no. no, kids. this is not how it works. when you love someone, you want what's best for them. when you love someone as much as i love him, you will give him whatever it is he needs. even if that means walking away.

the thousand letter solution will only drive him away further. you must give him a chance to miss you, that is the absolute best way to deal with this.

of course, it could also be the end. in which case, FUCK EVERYTHING. especially the mailman. and goddamned prison. really, fuck prison hard.

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2 comment(s):

I'm curious to know the context of "space" here. As you say, sometimes time and space aren't used literally. You obviously know the tone of the relationship better than I, but if I were in that situation I would probably write again asking for clarification. I'm not a big fan of euphemisms, especially when it comes to relationships, so I tend to need things explicitly explained to me, particularly when something as monumentous as an Ending may be at stake. In any case, I think he owes it to you to be unambiguous. Maybe there is some sort of negative social implication from receiving so many letters? Who knows? Certainly not I, but there's my perspective, if you're interested in it.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 26.9.06  

when i say "space" is not always meant literally, i mean he is currently incarcerated 3000 miles away - so he has physical space from me.

i don't need any clarification, he said it had a lot to do with where he is and how he's feeling because of it and as smart as i like to believe i am, there is no way i'll ever understand where he is and what he's going through.

i trust him. i trust his judgement. if this is what he needs, no amount of clarification will change it.

By Blogger Courtney, at 26.9.06  

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