
oh amish, thou hast rekindled my faith in man

The evening of the shooting, Amish neighbors from the Nickel Mines community gathered to process their grief with each other and mental health counselors...

...the Amish family members grappled with a number of questions: Do we
send our kids to school tomorrow? What if they want to sleep in our
beds tonight, is that okay? But one question they asked might surprise
us outsiders. What, they wondered, can we do to help the family of the

Abolish the Death Penalty: What the Amish are teaching America

this amazes me in a world so fueled by retribution and revenge. but of course, the amish don't watch our fear-mongering television machines or subscribe to cnn's rss feed... y'know, the one who's mission statement is, "jesus GOD! RUN! EVERYTHING IS GOING TO GET YOU!!! and kill you!! oh, and the maiming, lord the maiming... seriously, run really really fast or you'll face a fate worse than a gitmo con" and such. so they're probably pretty free of fear and hateful sentiments toward random groups of people that nancy grace says we should hate. y'know, calm, cool, compassionate, warm-blooded. a rarity, but apparently still very much in existence.

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1 comment(s):

I read this article as well and was quite touched. When I read it out loud to my wife, she almost started crying.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 14.10.06  

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