
blogging for satan

Blogging "often makes the blogger feel good or makes him feel as if his opinion counts - when it is mostly mindless blather!" notes Kevin D Denee.
Blogging 'un-Christian' - shock | The Register

oh come on, is there nothing you christians can enjoy? blogging often makes the blogger feel good or makes him feel as if his opinion counts/accepting christ as your saviour often makes the "saved" feel good or makes him feel as if he matters in the heart of a man who died 2000 years ago. what the fuck is the difference?

i say: fuck, drink, blog and break things. it's all going down anyway.

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6 comment(s):

Haha, amen to that.

By Blogger Lgolos, at 11.10.06  

Well said :)

Reminds me of the Mayfly Project: "Born. Eat. Shag. Die."

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12.10.06  

If it is new, it is of the devil don't you know? thats what most christians think, makes me ashamed to be one!

By Blogger Keztral, at 13.10.06  

Can't they just be happy knowing they'll be eating strawberries in Heaven while the rest of us burn in Hell?

Honestly, if they have an opinion about the Bible I'm willing to listen, but this blogging fatwa is too much. Can't they just move to Iran or something?

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 13.10.06  

Amen, sister!


By Anonymous Anonymous, at 13.10.06  

Damn, they got a rule against everything these days.

Reminds me of when Reverend Lovejoy said in one episode of The Simpsons... "Have you actually read this thing? Technically we're not supposed to go to the bathroom."

Whatever happened to live and let live?

By Blogger Dented Nerd, at 16.10.06  

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