
washing puppies

there is a dog shelter here that, every saturday, openly invites people to the shelter to wash puppies all afternoon in the yard. it's not really necessary to wash the dogs every saturday, but it brings people into the shelter, gives the dogs lots of attention, plus is a great way for fellow dog lovers to meet each other over beers and wet puppies.

yesterday i went or the first time. i can't tell you how great it was. it's not exactly volunteering for the innocence project or an anti-death penalty organization, as i have been itching to do so bad that i've been checking out costs of living in new york and similar hot spots for anti death penalty activism, but fuck, it was fun in a non-selfish, healthy, exhausting sort of way.

this shelter is a start-up, currently they have about 35 dogs. they are not an official charity, but they need donations. if anyone wants to donate, let me know and i can get you in touch with them.

and now, the puppies:

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1 comment(s):

OMG! Soooo cute! I just got another rescue puppy a few weeks ago (pics in my lastest blog post) I wish they had more people like you here in L.A.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 29.4.08  

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