


it's the new greatest thing. i don't even know what the purpose is. but i can't stop tweeting on twitter: http://twitter.com/vlu77/

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Prison Blog - genpop.org

6 comment(s):

Aaaaaand whiff, my comment was gone. They should put a comment entry field on the home page damn it!


By Blogger Dave J., at 8.3.07  

i'm lost... what comment, who stole it?

By Blogger Courtney, at 8.3.07  

I went and checked out Twitter. What happens is you post your message of what you are doing "right now" and it appears amongst a listing of like, I don't know, 20 other people saying what they are doing right now... but it's so popular that 20 seconds after you post something, its already buried under what everyone else is saying. Which would be ok, if you could continue to chat while looking at the most current list, but its conflagrated because you have to go to a completely separate page to submit a new chat comment statement post whatever you call it. So by the time you click back to the homepage and reload it, poof, your comment is in the basement.

I had a bit to drink last night, maybe there is a easier way and I just didn't see it... ^^


By Blogger Dave J., at 9.3.07  

ohhh, haham, yes it's more fun when you have some friends on there - you can see what you and your friends comment on the same page as the comment entry box, so you can sort of have a conversation go on.

By Blogger Courtney, at 9.3.07  

Doh, this would require me to have friends.


By Blogger Dave J., at 9.3.07  

invite me on twitter: http://twitter.com/vlu77 - i'll be your friend :)

By Blogger Courtney, at 9.3.07  

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