
six feet under

i used to love the show six feet under on hbo - i saw the first season like 6 years ago or something and then ran out of time with which to commit to the second so i vowed to myself that, since it was so incredible, i wouldn't watch another episode unless it was in order so i can follow the plots and shit. so now that i make decent money, i went out and bought the second and third seasons about two weeks ago. that's about 26 episodes in all and i only have one left to watch. in an amongst working overtime for my new client, rebuilding my office, having a garage sale and running an indie music blog, i somehow found the time to watch 25 hour-long episodes of six feet under. anyway. none of this matters. what matters is, i think i may have fallen in love with the character ruth fisher. she's this frumpy, plain looking timid woman who you know could just let down her firey red locks and blow everyone away. she's so awkward and strange and she makes you feel so uncomfortable. the character development for ruth is so fucking spectacular that the director could sit ruth down at a table with no music, no dialogue and no action and the viewer would know exactly what's going on in ruth's mind. i don't think i've ever seen such an incredible mix of writing, acting and directing as with this one particular character from six feet under, in any movie, tv show or play in my life. frances conroy. wow. i'm blown away. i almost don't want to watch the last episode of the 3rd season, cause i know i won't be able to help myself from going out and buying the fourth.

Prison Blog - genpop.org

2 comment(s):

I remember I used to feel like Ruth was the only sane one in the family, even though she's not like a "main" character.

By Blogger Brian J. Hong, at 28.3.07  

ruthy is an amazing an deep charactor I agree with your opinion! I don't want to be a spoiler all I will say is the weekly episode was on at ten sunday nights and had some strange power over us we always made a little event out of it and it gave us loads to talk about !

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2.5.07  

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