
the united states of fuck off

In Texas, a white teenager burns down her family's home and receives
probation. A black one shoves a hall monitor and gets 7 years in
prison. The state NAACP calls it `a signal to black folks.'

To some in Paris, sinister past is back | Chicago Tribune

they always say that all great empires must fall. for fuck's sake will you get on with it already and self-destruct? takin your sweet ass fucking time and now the rest of the world has to wake up to news like this bullshit. christ.

*anticipating pro-american tongue lashings*

you know, i don't understand patriotism. in the grand scheme of things, your country is nothing but a fleeting idea. i don't understand how we can live our lives defending lines and territories when we all sprang from the goddamned soil on the same goddamned planet. we are all the same and yet idiots continually cling to this outdated notion that we are not the same based solely on lines we've drawn in the sand.

the united states of america is nothing but an idea. an idea that started out with good intentions but no longer is relevant. so is canada. believe it or not, there are people in the world that live better than we do. go visit koh phi phi and try and convince me otherwise. we're so fucking busy thinking our countries are the be all and end all of civilization that people have been sneaking around behind our backs living a way better, more fulfilling, happier life with much, much less than we have.

fuck america. fuck canada. fuck the west. we are the un-evolved. this article proves it.

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3 comment(s):

yeah, and you wonder why the helicopters keep flying over our house?

By Blogger John Simmonds, at 23.3.07  

yeah, and you wonder why the helicopters keep flying over our house?

By Blogger John Simmonds, at 23.3.07  

oops, posted twice. my bad.


By Blogger John Simmonds, at 23.3.07  

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