
i'm beginning to think no one's guilty on death row

We've blogged before about Anthony Graves, who has been on Texas' death row for 12 years for a crime he almost certainly did not commit.Well, Anthony could soon be gaining his freedom. The state of Texas apparently has until mid-September to retry him or set him free. Lawyers right now are pushing for Anthony to be released on bail.In addition to the above link, you can read a CBS Evening News report about Graves' case here.

Abolish the Death Penalty: Breaking news: Yet another innocent person about to be freed from death row

i've read entirely too much about the death penalty. it's exhausting. i give the folks at Abolish the Death Penalty mad props for being able to expose themselves to this corrupt murder day in and day out because when i do it, i turned into this depressed pile of goop that just yells at people because all they ever think about is who's going to be voted off big brother this week, or what band is realeasing what album.

i read a couple of books that were specifically on the topic of innocent men and women facing the death penalty. one such book was actual innocence by the guys who run the innocence project. no matter which side of the debate you're on, i highly suggest this book, as i'm sure, even if you're a death penalty supporter, you don't support the murder of men and women by the state who are guilty of absolutely nothing.

the most surprising aspect of this book was the illumination of the many factors that lead to false convictions. the liklihood of false confessions, eyewitnesses getting the identification wrong, and police, lawyer and judge corruption is absolutely astounding. it will blow your mind.

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