
more absolute ridiculousness re: cuba

In Washington, U.S. State Department characterized the temporary leadership hand over as a "dynastic succession," saying it is not acceptable to the United States and would be rejected by the Cuban people over the long run.

USATODAY.com - Raul Castro says Cuba open to normalized relations with United States

dynastic succession, dynastic succession... why does that feel familiar?

oh. right...

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and possibly:


"b-b-b-but it's a democracy, we can vote for who we want!" no, you childish airheads, it's a two party system. that's not even close to democracy. "at least we can vote for the other party, though!" right, let's take a peek at that shall we?

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and possibly:


but no, dynastic succession is unacceptable to the US. unless, of course, it's happening within their borders. arrogant fucks.

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