
howdy hunter... again?

Critics Take Aim at Plan for "Nonfatal" Deer Hunt

A proposed pair of tournaments that involves shooting deer with tranquilizers instead of bullets has animal-welfare groups and pro-hunting leagues up in arms.

ok, you know what? at the risk of coming off as anti-green, i'm gonna go ahead and just blurt out that hunting doesn't bother me. *gasp* that's right, kids, it doesn't bother me. but let me explain.

the way we feed our overly carnivorous world it's meat, is disgusting. the problem with being a carnivore isn't that we eat meat, the problem with being a carnivore is that we a) eat way too much meat, and b) we produce too much meat, don't use every bit of the animal and we end up throwing away a good chunk of something that lived only to feed us.

today's meat industry is wasteful and disrespectful of the animals that gave their lives for our sustenance. they haven't the opportunity, as every species on this planet should have, to live a normal life. we, as human beings, obviously feel that he planet belongs to us and no other animal, and that we can do with it and them what we wish. it's sick.

go back a couple hundred years and take a look at the native north americans though. they ate meat as well, but they only killed what they needed, used every last bit of the animal for something, and had ceremonies thanking the animal for giving it's life.

but they hunted. they worked for their meat. they realized what horrors had to go into killing an animal and butchering it to be consumed. they saw the animal at it's last moments of life and thus, they respected it.

this is the type of hunting that doesn't bother me and quite frankly, i think if we all had to hunt for our meat, there'd be a helluva lot more vegetarians out there. we're all about instant gratifcation and consumption and over-consumption and waste and laziness. we're actually probably the most ridiculous animal on the planet, cause even dogs won't piss where they sleep and here we are destroying our home and the ecology that makes our lives possile in the first place.

where i take exception to hunting, however, is when it's for game. and a tournament is probably the most revolting thing i've ever heard. killing random shit for fun. i'd lay ten bucks on the line right here and now and say that a good majority of men who find pleasure in killing animals for fun most likely have tiny penises.

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2 comment(s):

I've always had issues with the romantic idea that the indiginous people of this land "took only what they needed" from the animals they killed and that they used every bit of it. I'm sure there were many kids back then that hated that policy. "Aw mom, Bison pancreas AGAIN? Can't we just throw out this ONE part? I won't tell the historians I promise!" It's also worth noting that modern industrial meat-packing plants use everything as well - it goes into gelatine, glue, stamps, leather for shoes, and the rest they grind up, mix with an assortment of chemicals and spices, and spend millions associating the uncomfortable experience of eating that mess with the good time you had at the ball park. Fucking gross.

I agree with your broader point though. Producers and hunters generally have a greater appreciation for the bountiful land, and they also realise the importance of sustainability. As you say, this lifestyle is certainly not sustainable. My choice NOT to eat meat stems from a combination of all these points.

I like your betting idea, but firstly we'd have to set some guidelines. For example, how do you quantify a "small" penis? Maybe we should amend this study to say "Those men who find pleasure in killing animals for fun most likely have doubts about their penis size and its effectiveness." Also, when collecting the data, I suggest we spin off a successful porn website as a side business, something along the lines of www.tinyprickhunters.com.

By Blogger mphetameme, at 23.8.06  

i'm sure the natives left some bones and eyeballs lying around, yes.

but we are a lot more wasteful these days. meat that doesn't get sold right away is thrown out. and it's tossed by the truckload. and we overproduce to make up for the inevitability of this waste.

and remember the foot and mouth scare? bird flu? mad cow? remember the slaughter that took place? and no one consumed that. it was all tossed.

By Blogger Courtney, at 23.8.06  

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