
point form.

1. i applied for the job in atlanta. it's a massive long shot but i think i made a pretty compelling case for myself. we'll see. i'm afraid.

2. at lunch today we had the little rile-meister running the show and when squish would feed him pureed carrots, he'd open his mouth so, so wide with so much excitement. i said to squish, "don't you wish you were still like that? when someone shoves pureed carrots in your face, your just like "HOLY SHIT, I AM SO FUCKING STOKED!!!"

3. i invited wentworth miller to be my friend because, well, my friends list seems incomplete without a real-life inmate. i mean pretend one. *smacks head* tv is NOT real, NOT real courtney!

Currently listening:

Aha Shake Heartbreak

By Kings of Leon

Prison Blog - genpop.org

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