inconsequential drivel - special delivery - msn network, fuckers.
12:21:51 AM vlu77: holy shizzle
12:22:03 AM vlu77: mike called today and scared the living crap outta me
12:22:18 AM vlu77: he was talking and said to hold on a sec so i did
12:22:21 AM drummer john: why?
12:22:33 AM vlu77: and i heard him yell "frank! yo!"
12:23:03 AM vlu77: and some guy's voice, like ghetto black accent deal, in the background say "tell your lover i love her"
12:23:23 AM vlu77: and mike says "it's my brother on the phone"
12:23:30 AM vlu77: and giggles
12:23:46 AM drummer john: and that scared you?
12:23:50 AM vlu77: and the guy in the background says "what'd you say bitch? d'you just call me your BROTHER?"
12:24:03 AM vlu77: and mike doesnt say anything
12:24:34 AM vlu77: and then i hear "d'you call me your BROTHER?? motherfucker i'm gonna kick your skinny white ass"
12:24:43 AM vlu77: like SERIOUS angry
12:25:11 AM vlu77: and i was like woah thinking "don't hurt him", and i think mike heard me gasp
12:25:34 AM vlu77: and he starts giggling and i ask whats so funny and he tells me that frank is his buddy and they talk like that all the time
12:25:45 AM vlu77: jesusjesusjesus, my heart was in my throat
12:26:08 AM drummer john: holy poop
12:26:18 AM drummer john: thats pretty scary
12:26:22 AM vlu77: no shit
12:26:41 AM vlu77: seriously, like doing all this reading about prison and shit
12:26:57 AM vlu77: u think you can sort of guess what it's like, although never really know
12:27:01 AM vlu77: but you get an idea
12:27:19 AM vlu77: but it just doesn't compare to actually hearing people yelling like that for real, like REAL
12:27:59 AM drummer john: yeah thats true. im sure the movies and books and stuff hold a lot of truth, but you are right unless you are phisicaly there, its gotta be hard to explain
12:28:08 AM vlu77: yeah
12:28:17 AM vlu77: then mike tells me this frank guy is in for life
12:28:30 AM vlu77: cause he shot a politicians wife in the face for calling his wife a nigger
12:28:48 AM vlu77: what a fucked up world
12:28:59 AM vlu77: these are the only people he associates with
12:29:22 AM vlu77: no wonder he's learning jiu jitsu and kung fu
12:29:36 AM vlu77: i mean, obviously i knew that it was dangerous before
12:29:46 AM vlu77: but, it just got more real hearing that
12:30:30 AM drummer john: yeah i bet it is, thats sucks
12:35:21 AM drummer john: did you watch the 3rd matrix last night?
12:35:27 AM vlu77: no i watched it today
12:35:33 AM drummer john: and?
12:35:38 AM vlu77: i fuckin loved it
12:35:42 AM vlu77: but that's just me
12:35:55 AM drummer john: what about the 2nd...loved it i guess
12:36:19 AM vlu77: and i loved the second one too
12:36:44 AM drummer john: like the lack of acting ability?
12:36:48 AM vlu77: cause im just nerdy
12:36:57 AM drummer john: well, im glad you enjoyed it
12:36:59 AM vlu77: no like the fact that the architect was sigmund freud
12:37:06 AM drummer john: i noticed that
12:37:12 AM vlu77: really?
12:37:14 AM drummer john: that was pretty obvious
12:37:20 AM vlu77: awwwwwwesome
12:37:35 AM vlu77: i thought that was phat
12:37:42 AM vlu77: i like the fight scenes actually
12:37:52 AM vlu77: i knew the acting would be bad
12:37:58 AM vlu77: it always is in action flicks
12:38:00 AM vlu77: except like
12:38:02 AM vlu77: heat
12:38:11 AM vlu77: and tarantino flicks
12:38:18 AM drummer john: well, your talking about 2 of the best though
12:38:29 AM vlu77: but i just loved the fighting
12:38:35 AM vlu77: cause it wasn't overly graphic
12:38:40 AM vlu77: it really wasnt graphic at all
12:38:52 AM vlu77: and it still implied huge amounts of force and strength
12:38:57 AM drummer john: i just thought that the romance story completely took away from the actuel story, which i liked
12:39:13 AM vlu77: then you probably won't like the 3rd one
12:39:26 AM vlu77: but i got out of it a sort of idea
12:39:33 AM vlu77: that love is bigger than anything
12:39:48 AM vlu77: the matrix, unbeatable foes, illness
12:39:55 AM vlu77: i think it's a good thing to have to say.
12:40:36 AM drummer john: yeah, i suppose...i never thought of it that way, i just figure we have enough love stories, and here was a good "story" that got pu to the back burner
12:40:52 AM vlu77: it was part of the story though
12:41:10 AM vlu77: i'd tell you more but it'll give away ..3
12:41:12 AM vlu77: BUT
12:41:13 AM vlu77: BUT
12:41:40 AM vlu77: i will tell you that in the 3rd one is the most incredible fight scene, i just about died, it was almost beautiful
12:41:48 AM vlu77: fucking odd of me to say being all non-violent and shit
12:42:03 AM drummer john: maybe you could let me watch it before taking it back
12:42:08 AM vlu77: hehe
12:42:11 AM vlu77: of course
12:42:21 AM vlu77: hey, i was watching that penn and teller thing
12:42:24 AM vlu77: SO GOOD
12:42:33 AM vlu77: and they did one episode on ESP
12:43:00 AM vlu77: and interviewed dr. bruce goldberg. the guy who wrote the book on astral projection that i blogged about and that me and mike made fun of on the phone
12:43:14 AM vlu77: i just about died when i saw him
12:43:22 AM vlu77: i was just bent over laughing
12:43:45 AM vlu77: and penn just says shit like "SHUT THE FUCK UP"
12:43:53 AM drummer john: hahaha
12:43:59 AM vlu77: and "they're the faith hill and tim mcgraw of WACKVILLE"
12:44:02 AM drummer john: that sounds funny
12:44:09 AM vlu77: and "then there's this FUCKING GUY"
12:44:12 AM vlu77: ahahaha
12:44:44 AM vlu77: mike called right when the 3rd matrix ended. weeeeeeird
12:44:58 AM drummer john: did you wreck it for him?
12:45:17 AM vlu77: he asked what i was doing and i told him i just finished watching it and he said "don't tell me ANYTHING. don't even smile"
12:45:27 AM drummer john: hehe
12:45:32 AM vlu77: i'm like "sure" and then a bit of silence...
12:45:40 AM vlu77: and he goes really quietly "did you like it?"
12:45:44 AM vlu77: hhahaa
12:46:03 AM drummer john: hahaha
12:46:09 AM drummer john: and you said?
12:46:16 AM vlu77: i told him i enjoyed it
12:46:29 AM vlu77: but i didn't get pumped or anything, i dont wanna ruin it for him
12:46:41 AM vlu77: he asked if it gave me "closure"
12:46:50 AM vlu77: i said it just ended, i'm still thinking about it
12:46:53 AM vlu77: haha
12:47:07 AM vlu77: im good at not ruining stuff like that.
12:52:39 AM vlu77: im posting this chat to my blog.
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