
the skinny

when we last left off on this topic, i was under the impression the trial was under way and that i didn't have to testify.

of course, this is the canadian legal system we're dealing with, so they'll just let you think anything. it's about the money. as long as the money comes, they don't care one iota.

it seems the man who, well, caused all of this, has made several court appearances to appeal for legal aid and was denied. this is bullshitty smelling, even though he CRIMED on me, i still feel every human on this planet about to face trial deserves to have a lawyer. especially those with no money, and i happen to know this man has no money because he was a friend for a long time and has never once been able to hold down a job.

even more horrifying? the trial has not even begun. it has been set for november and i have been told i will be testifying. this is extra super fucked because since i've been back from thailand, i've been horribly miserable here. not depressed, not sad, just bored out of my skull and sick to death of paying the kind of cost of living vancouver requires. there is nothing to do here, ever, and because of this, pretty much everyone is losing their minds and only a few of us know it. people here are insane, dramatic and troublesome and there is nothing here to do. so, i've been planning to move. the secret is out. i was going to be living in mexico before the end of the year.

but now i have to testify. and if i leave the country, i can get in trouble.

so, to lay it out plain and simple. i have to testify in court in november against a man i once called a friend, who also gets to cross-examine me himself because he has no lawyer, and i may have to put off moving away from this dismal, grey rainy fuckhole of a city because of it.

they say every cloud has a silver lining, and i suppose this could be part of it. a new, funny "dad's losing it" story:

my dad stopped by a little while ago and i told him about crown counsel calling, i said, "the trial is in november and they told me i have to testify" and he said, "last november?" i said, "dad, you've been holding out, where's this time machine of yours?"

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Prison Blog - genpop.org

3 comment(s):

Criminals who can't hold down a job deserve to go to jail. Why should we pay for his lawyer if he's guilty? You should be glad he has no lawyer, justice can be served directly rather than having to deal with endless arguments and appeals. Sucks that you can't move tho, the government's lawyers are pretty stupid for telling you that you wouldn't have to testify, they manipulate the game and we go along for the ride.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4.2.07  

I don't agree, everyone needs a lawyer. In this case a good lawyer probably would have convinced him to plead guilty, and it sounds like that's what the crown was expecting when they said you wouldn't have to testify. At the very least him having a lawyer would mean he wouldn't be directly cross-examining you, so in all fairness to the victims of crime I think we all have a duty to pay for legal aid lawyers. Why they turn so many people down who clearly need legal aid is beyond me.

On the other hand you're still in the driver's seat. As the victim of a crime you have rights. They can't force you to do anything you don't want to do. It would be a shame to not follow through with getting him put away, it sounds like they think they have a solid case, but it is still supposed to be up to you even though they make you feel like it's not. Jail may not even be the best correctional therapy, especially if he's a first time offender, some kind of program outside the courts may be even more effective if he can be convinced to participate, which is made a bit more difficult if he doesn't have a lawyer.

Seems to me even the victim deserves a lawyer to help navigate them through the whole justice process, which can sometimes be more stressful and traumatic than the original crime. I wish you luck!

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12.2.07  

chris, i wholeheartedly agree with everything you've said. thanks for leaving such a great, supportive comment.

By Blogger Courtney, at 12.2.07  

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