
dinner's ready

incalescence - a growing warm or ardent
cark - worry; trouble, distress
amaranthine - undying, everlasting, unfading
nonesuch - a person or thing without an equal
tholing - suffering, enduring
saudade - yearning or longing, but more than that...
tetragrammaton - the ineffable name of God
occultation - the state of being hidden from view
phoenixity - the quality of being unique
twitterpated - love-struck, smitten
hedonics - the doctrine of pleasure; that part of ethics which treats of pleasure
interstice - a gap or break in something generally continuous
novio - sweetheart; lover
koan - paradox in Zen Buddhism to abandon dependence on reason & gain enlightenment
ineffable - unspeakable, indescribable
nodus - complication, difficulty
galluptious - wonderful, delightful, delicious
Achates - a loyal friend
billet-doux - love letter
osculate - to kiss
unseven - to render other than seven; to reduce from seven in number
tathagatagarbha - the eternal and absolute essence of all reality, according to Buddhism
mansuetude - the quality or state of being gentle: meekness, tameness
impuissant - powerless
kvetch - to complain habitually: gripe
eellogofusciouhipoppokunurious - good, perhaps very good


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