remember when we were younger, the word beirut struck the same chords in us as darfur or east timor does today?
why's it happened again? why has beirut become another sting word?
you know, both sides of the israeli/palestinian confilct have a right to be upset. both of them do and the sooner we all recognize that the sooner this conflict will end. they've both suffered. they both continue to suffer, but the bottom line is, respect for life is just that. respect for life. i don't care if you're purple, tongan or a scientologist. we must, absolutely must at this point in history, learn to respect all life. otherwise i truly believe we are staring the end times in the face.
2 comment(s):
I have been reading some of your previous posts and find you to have an interesting viewpoint - I wish you expanded more on your thoughts.
I am also attracted to your blog by your photo - to me you are striking.
My question - would it infuriate you that your words might be overshadowed by your beauty?
I know this is a stupid question - but these are the things that materialize in my mind.
By Anonymous, at 20.7.06
thanks for the compliments, really, it's very nice of you.
it doesn't infuriate me, that'd be such a waste of my energy. i write in this blog because i have shit on my mind and for some reason, it's extremely difficult to find people in real life with the brain capacity to actually listen to what someone has to say about something other than brad and angelina or football or american idol. i find it strange that it's difficult to find these people in real life because once you enter the blogosphere, they're everywhere. does everyone just have an alter-ego? an inner-geek they only let out on their blogs? i dunno.
anyway. i write this blog because i have to. i'm compelled. how and why people are attracted to this blog is of no interest to me. which is definitely not to say i don't appreciate readers - readers make conversation and i love conversation.
anyway, thanks again for the compliments. much appreciated.
By Courtney, at 20.7.06
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