best day EVER
yesterday was effin' wild. i haven't been so happy for an entire day since i was like 6 years old.around 10:40am, i went to get some water and came back to my desk and there was a letter in my in tray, from mike (!!!). i felt compelled to fall to the floor in a fetal position and sob while i read that he's fine. he's not back on smack and he's healthy and seemed even a little more cheerful than you would expect someone to be in his situation. i grinned like a fucking fool all day, even as i headed into the we are wolves/int'l noise conspiracy/trail of dead show, which made me feel like small cotton ball creatures climbed into my ear canal by the thousands and scrunched themselves up and remained there to this very moment. what? huh? whatever.
there was this pieceashit turd in the pit who decided that the day of the show was a good day to try NOT showering and NOT wearing deodorant and dressing in a few layers of clothing and getting all sweaty and dripping and effin rank and then slamming into me repeatedly. he met with a couple knuckle sammiches to the head. hint, boys, it's fucking unpleasant and gross to nix the shower and rub against girls at a show leaving boy-slime streaks on their clothing. GET CLEAN. i don't care about your personal philosphies or preferences, YOU SMELL BAD. don't get it on me. please. thank u.
i just go to the trouble of making myself smell pleasant, even in the heat of a trail of dead mosh pit, don't ruin that with your hippieness. i like to smell good.
the show was incredible. in-effin-credible. even in my "elsewhere" state-o-mind, writing letters to mike over and over in my head, the little criminal is ok, except a broken cheekbone from being sucker punched in the yard and six months in the hole. i slept so well last night, just aware that he's breathing out there. mmmmmmikey, i miss you. so excrutiatingly much.
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